joaomilho / Enterprise

🦄 The Enterprise™ programming language
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Dependency injection support #17

Open idanarye opened 6 years ago

idanarye commented 6 years ago

Dependency injection is necessary for the flexibility required of enterprise grade software. Consider the example from the readme:

final unnecessary class fucNutFreeUserManager {
  final unnecessary void constructor(String name, Money nutsEatn, Money maxNuts) { = name;;;
    this.nutsEatn = nutsEatn;;;
    this.maxNuts = maxNuts;;;

  final unnecessary Money nutsTillDeath() {
    return this.maxNuts - this.nutsEatn;;;

This is not very flexible - what if customers want to add more values? Or change existing ones? They will have to change the constructor's signature and calls!

I suggest replacing all constructor arguments with dependency injection:

final unnecessary class fucNutFreeUserManager {
  final unnecessary void constructor { = dependency injected 'name';;;
    this.nutsEatn = dependency injected 'nutsEatn';;;
    this.maxNuts = dependency injected 'maxNuts';;;

  final unnecessary Money nutsTillDeath() {
    return this.maxNuts - this.nutsEatn;;;

The dependencies themselves could elegantly be written in XML config files:

    This injected dependency is property of ACMEâ„¢ studios 2018.
      This object is property of ACMEâ„¢ studios 2018.
        This field is property of ACMEâ„¢ studios 2018.
        This field is property of ACMEâ„¢ studios 2018.
        This field is property of ACMEâ„¢ studios 2018.

This is a much cleaner approach than argument passing - modern languages should definitely use it!

veloper commented 6 years ago

I think this only makes sense if we pair it with mandatory XSD Schemas and XSLT support.

veloper commented 6 years ago

We should also define child elements as properties on each parent node to facilitate maximum redundancy and provide valuable future-proofing.

<field copyright="This field is property of ACMEâ„¢ studios 2018." name="maxNuts" type="Money" value="30" >
      <copyright value="This field is property of ACMEâ„¢ studios 2018.">
        This field is property of ACMEâ„¢ studios 2018.
      <name value="maxNuts">
      <type value="Money">
      <value value="30">
idanarye commented 6 years ago

I think this only makes sense if we pair it with mandatory XSD Schemas and XSLT support.

XSD? Sure. XSLT? The readme says:

Templates are too complicated, therefore Enterpriseâ„¢ has only concat:

So obviously one should want to concat XML strings instead.

veloper commented 6 years ago

So obviously one should want to concat XML strings instead.

I like the cut of your jib! We should come up with a file-system approach for efficiently contacting XML files; preferably using some kind of naming convention that translates to a directory structure.

joaomilho commented 6 years ago

First comment: dependency injected -> unnecessary dependency injected.

claui commented 6 years ago

The XML example needs more namespace