joaotavora / snooze

Common Lisp RESTful web development
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case preservation from URL submissions relating to methods (routes) #39

Open badbettty opened 2 months ago

badbettty commented 2 months ago

Hello snoozers

Taking this example purpose only code extract:

(defroute myresource (:get :text/* resid) ...)

It appears that 'resid' is a symbol and gets converted to uppercase before it is used in the method ie. case, from the url submission, is not preserved.

eg. 'http://someerver/myresource/SomeDoc0001' would present SOMEDOC0001 as 'resid'

If case preservation of resource name (resid in this case) was important, eg when posting/putting (http POST/PUT) a resource, what is the correct approach in snooze to do this ?

Thank you, regards

mdbergmann commented 2 months ago

Check this out: #30

badbettty commented 2 months ago

Check this out: #30

ah ! thank you ... yes I had been reading that (comments, readme, tutorial) and due to my own ignorance , I was struggling to understand ... I will have another do at it and experiment. I prefer when things just work ... it is called laziness ;-)