joel16 / 3DShell

3DShell - (Pronounced 3D Shell) is a multi purpose file manager for the Nintendo 3DS. Heavily inspired by the CyanogenMod/LineageOS file manager.
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3DShell (3D-Shell) - is a multi-purpose file manager for the Nintendo 3DS that aims towards handling media files. Unlike FBI which specializes more in title management, 3DShell leans towards more of the file management features such as opening and managing various files types and includes the basic necessity of a standard file manager. This program's design elements are clearly inspired by CyanogenMod/LineageOS's built in file manager, and so all credits towards the design go to the CyanogenMod/LineageOS contributors.

3DShell Screenshot

Current features:

Building from source:

  1. Ensure you have the devkitPro, ctrulib and citro3D and citro2D installed correctly. Make sure you have makerom and bannertool installed into your path as well.

  2. Install the following dependecies from devkitPro's pacman:

    • sudo dkp-pacman -Syu 3ds-dev --noconfirm --needed
    • sudo dkp-pacman -Syu 3ds-curl --noconfirm --force
    • sudo dkp-pacman -Syu 3ds-libarchive 3ds-jansson 3ds-libjpeg-turbo 3ds-libpng --noconfirm
  3. Clone the 3DShell repository:

    git clone --recursive
  4. Open the project diretory:

    cd 3DShell/
  5. Build the binary using make:

