joeljohn159 / SERNDating

A dating app where users can connect based on compatibility. It includes a Landing Page, User Registration & Login, a Match Finding Page with an algorithm to suggest matches, a Notification Page for updates, a Profile Page with match details, and a Chatting Page for real-time communication. The backend ensures smooth matching and messaging.
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Setup a local project environment.

Step 1: naviagate to client and install all dependency "npm i"

Step 2: naviagate to server and install all dependency "npm i"

TO RUN SERVER: type "npm run dev" in server path to run server with nodemon

TO RUN CLIENT: type "npm run dev" in client path to run React APP.

To Contribute: Create a Feature Branch in your local git env (dont push to main), request a PR and merge it with the main (1 approval is required)