"Admin" role is a parent of "author" role which mean "Admin" can have all "author" permission. This will reduce the duplication. Without this setup, you need to assign all "author" permission to admin.
Sample code to link a role to another role
namespace app\commands;
use Yii;
use yii\console\Controller;
class RbacController extends Controller
public function actionInit()
$auth = Yii::$app->authManager;
// add "createPost" permission
$createPost = $auth->createPermission('createPost');
$createPost->description = 'Create a post';
// add "updatePost" permission
$updatePost = $auth->createPermission('updatePost');
$updatePost->description = 'Update post';
// add "author" role and give this role the "createPost" permission
$author = $auth->createRole('author');
$auth->addChild($author, $createPost);
// add "admin" role and give this role the "updatePost" permission
// as well as the permissions of the "author" role
$admin = $auth->createRole('admin');
$auth->addChild($admin, $updatePost);
$auth->addChild($admin, $author);
// Assign roles to users. 1 and 2 are IDs returned by IdentityInterface::getId()
// usually implemented in your User model.
$auth->assign($author, 2);
$auth->assign($admin, 1);
this is straight from Yii2 RBAC documentation ( https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/blob/master/docs/guide/images/rbac-hierarchy-1.png )
There is "author" and "admin" role.
"Admin" role is a parent of "author" role which mean "Admin" can have all "author" permission. This will reduce the duplication. Without this setup, you need to assign all "author" permission to admin.
Sample code to link a role to another role