johnpallag / MashedPotatoRacoons

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Milestone 2 Feedback #1

Open alok-sm opened 7 years ago

alok-sm commented 7 years ago

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xu0224 commented 7 years ago

Team #A4 Storyboard 1: Useful application. However, confused why it is titled "Virus Simulator." (Edit: Mixed up storyboard 1 and 2 name) Also confused how this pertains to mapping services.

Storyboard 2: Is this just for any generic virus? What relevance does this hold for multiple uses of this application.

Storyboard 3: Perhaps consider some method of filtering for specific type of people/interests.

Storyboard 4: Pretty straightforward, simple application. Can see this being implemented out of feasible metrics.

Storyboard 5: Confusion over whether there is there only 1 plan, or are multiple plans going to be shown, where the plans will reside in particular.

Storyboard 6: Straightforward idea. However, what is the value proposition that would encourage a user to use this application. The poster board panel makes it seem like a random option to use for the app, as opposed to the primary reason for the application. If you clarify your final goals, perhaps this would be useful.

phzhou76 commented 7 years ago

Feedback from: Team 0xDEADBEEF

Walking/Running in Shape

Heat Map of Travel

Trip Calculator For the trip calculator, you may need to take into account how much milage one gets per gallon. Furthermore, a trip may cost more than just the gas so you could change the name to better reflect the app.

Virus Simulator For the virus simulator, I don't really see the point of the app. It doesn't fully fulfill any needs. It's informative but it wouldn't be something someone uses more than once, nor do I see how it really takes geography/location into account.

Friend Finder

Popular Trip Planner

JustineLin commented 7 years ago

Team 2 (GuoDaddy)

  1. Virus Simulator I think that this idea is interesting. This app might not be as useful if it's just an individual reporting their sickness and its potential to spread. But maybe if a lot of people use the app and say they have the flu, then people would be more careful in that area, some sort of like alert that a certain area is dangerous. (i.e. Peterson Hall has 25 people with the flu). But if its just the individual reporting then maybe it would be cool to do like a disease data visualization website from all those individual diseases.

  2. Cheapest Trip Calculator This is another good idea. The only thing is that when you have less than $5 dollars, most of the activities end up being active ones, which is fine but might be something you want to be wary of. I think that a lot of people overlook small fun outdoor activities though so it would be a good idea. Maybe you could add another feature to the app to make it pertain to the topic more. Perhaps locating friends and seeing the distance between friends and what activities could be done in the best, cheapest location.

davidmoll commented 7 years ago

Feedback from Team Guodaddy

The Heat Map idea was pretty cool in that it allows you to track your travel, and thus encourages more traveling. Something that might impact practicality is whether people would want to have the app always running, as tracking location is somewhat battery and data intensive.

Walking in Shapes was a novel idea but had a lot of potential issues with its use. In a city or other populated areas, it would be hard to achieve complex shapes. Collaboration would be interesting because by splitting up the shape, you would actually be avoiding interaction. Also, many apps already allow for lines and shapes to be drawn. Examples would be Strava and Map My Run. The storyboards were well made though, and the ideas were certainly creative.

Find My Friends was an example of a great idea that has been implemented already. The scenario was well set up, but it's hard to imagine someone using a third party app rather than the built in functionality that all iphones (and some other phones) already have. The benefit of it being built in is that everyone having the app is essential to its use. Thus, for it to be useful, rather than having to gather a user base, the apple app has a user base from scratch.

The Trip Planner app was awesome - but maybe too awesome? The scope of what it hoped to achieve was to plan an entire trip given a time bound, and that seems pretty tough to implement. The reason is that there is just so much involved! From which events are going on at the time, to what major attractions there are, a lot of data would have to be collected and carefully worked through.

cgwoun commented 7 years ago

TEAM YellowCow (A5)

Comments on story boards 1 and 2:

  1. Virus simulator: I'm not sure how I see this first storyboard relate to maps and geographic location. It seems to just be a simulator/an informational app. I think you might have a lot of difficult in linking this to our class theme. In addition, I'm not too sure what this offers that an article wouldn't.
  2. Cheapest Trip Calculator: Wow I actually really like this! The idea of a money based trip calculator is pretty clever and I don't think it's been done before. My only concern would be that it might be very difficult to implement since prices are constantly changing so if you wanted to pull that data from somewhere it might be hard. However I suppose you could do it by user input which would avoid that problem.

Friend Finder

I like this idea but I kinda don't at the same time. I like the idea of being able to connect with your friends and community. However, I'm not too sure if people are willing to keep this app on so that they are constantly being tracked. This could also allow for creepers to get in the mix

Popular Trip Planner

I like this app. I was actually looking for something like this when I traveled to New York over spring break. However, I noticed that alot of the applications did not allow much room for personal customization. If you guys can execute on this, I think you guys have a winner.

Heat map of Travel:

  1. Walking/Running in Shapes: The idea is simple, yet entertaining. With that said, the idea can be improved so that it is not just a one-time use apps. From the storyboard, the idea seemed to be used only to make drawing with GPS path. A good suggestion to improve idea is to include a competitive aspect to it that allows the app to take off in the market. For example, the app can generate a challenge for user to draw a certain complex shape. This allows user to feel challenged and come back for more.
alok-sm commented 7 years ago

TA feedback -

Who can be the most infectious - make it multiplayer I start off with a virus and I can spread it out to someone and they can spread their virus and yours too.

Have a leaderboard with the largest viruses in the system

Good luck! :)