Open gadieichhorn opened 8 years ago
@gadieichhorn This should be possible by adding a proxy middleware in a custom bs-config.js
, ie: http-proxy-middleware
Has anyone been able to put in a bs-config file and get it working? I'm Actually getting in the terminal a "Did not detect a 'bs-config.json' or 'bs-config.js' overide file using lite-server defaults when I have it in my directory. See image of test project error here Not sure if i'm going crazy or not.
@gadieichhorn here is a working example with lite-server
$ npm install --save-dev http-proxy-middleware connect-history-api-fallback
File: bs-config.js
var proxyMiddleware = require('http-proxy-middleware');
var fallbackMiddleware = require('connect-history-api-fallback');
module.exports = {
server: {
middleware: {
1: proxyMiddleware('/api', {
target: '',
changeOrigin: true // for vhosted sites, changes host header to match to target's host
2: fallbackMiddleware({
index: '/index.html', verbose: true
I think the history middleware should be before the proxy middleware. For some reason, when the proxy middleware is first, it never reaches the history one.
Thanks @cgmartin for the example.
Added lite-server to the list of examples:
thanks it works @cgmartin and @maximedupre! keep with the good work
its more of a question than an issue...
I am following the NG2 ToH pattern and need to add a proxy to my local server API but would like to keep it simple from the command prompt in the node script section of the package.json
any url calls to /server/api redirect to