johnray / Indigo-Nest-Thermostat-Plugin

Nest Thermostat plugin for Indigo 5.x Pro
GNU General Public License v2.0
17 stars 8 forks source link

Nest Thermostat Indigo Pro Plugin

This plugin implements all the major features of an Indigo thermostat, including activating the "Away" state of the Nest thermostat. It supports multiple thermostats, although they will each need to be added as separate instances within Indigo.

The core of this plugin is based on the NestThermostat Python class, also available from github (


To install the Nest plugin, follow these instructions:

  1. Download and unzip the plugin on the same computer running Indigo 5.x Pro.
  2. The plugin will unzip to a folder structure named "Nest Thermostat.indigoPlugin" - double-click this file.
  3. When prompted, choose to Install and Enable the plugin.
  4. Now you just need to add a Nest thermostat device to your device list.

Adding and Configuring a Nest Device

To add an instance of a Nest thermostat to Indigo, complete these steps:

  1. Within the Indigo device listing window, click the "New" button in the toolbar.
  2. Provide a Name and Description for the device.
  3. Set the Type to "Pro Plugin".
  4. From the Plugin menu that appears, choose the "Nest Thermostat" option.
  5. From the Model menu, choose "Nest Thermostat Module".
  6. A configuration dialog for the Nest is shown. Enter your Login and Password.
  7. Enter the Name and Location of the Nest you want to control. These must match the name and location you created on
  8. Click Save. If there are any errors, you must correct them before proceeding.
  9. The Nest instance is added and is available in your device list.

Tips for working with the Nest Plugin