johnsusek / praeco

Elasticsearch alerting made simple.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Question Regarding Praeco #654

Closed ishukeshri2712 closed 1 month ago

ishukeshri2712 commented 1 month ago

Hi community, I want to learn few points about Praeco,

  1. Suppose we have an praeco rule for time stamp set to 5 minutes so is it like it will query only the data in between this period to elasticsearch?
  2. Suppose we put run_every parameter to 1 minutes so with timestamp 5 minutes then every one minute addition it will query duplicate documents in this time period
  3. Suppose we didn’t put the timestamp field then what will happens will it query all the documents in the given index ?
  4. What is the best run_every value we should set for a particular use case ?
  5. What is the best buffer_time parameter we should use? Plse help me Thanks in Advance ✌️
nsano-rururu commented 1 month ago

nsano-rururu commented 1 month ago

nsano-rururu commented 1 month ago

nsano-rururu commented 1 month ago

nsano-rururu commented 1 month ago

Any Matches any result

BlackList Alert if it matches a blacklisted value

Whitelist Alert if it matches anything other than the whitelisted value

Change Monitor the fied value and issue an alert when the value changes.

Frequency Alert when the number of events occurring within the set period exceeds the threshold

Spike Count the number of events at a set interval, compare the results with the previous time, and if they are x times higher, issue an alert.

Flatline Count the number of events at the set interval and alert if the number of events is less than the threshold.

New Term Monitor field values ​​and alert if an unconfirmed value appears

Cardinality Monitor the number of different field values ​​and issue an alert when the number of different values ​​exceeds a threshold.

nsano-rururu commented 1 month ago

Why don't you read the documentation? It's all written in the elastalert2 documentation. You just stubbornly refuse to read it.

nsano-rururu commented 1 month ago

Global Config

es_host The host name and IP address of the Elasticsearch to connect to

es_port Elasticsearch port number

rules_folder Directory path where YAML files for individual monitor settings are placed

buffer_time Data acquisition period

Monitoring interval

writeback_index The index name for managing execution history

nsano-rururu commented 1 month ago

The ruletypes will change depending on what you want to do.

nsano-rururu commented 1 month ago

I understand that you don't want to read the documentation.

nsano-rururu commented 1 month ago

Send 10 or more requests with status code 500 within a 5-minute period in the past hour.

The condition of 10 times within a 5-minute period is specified by num_events and timeframe.


global config

es_port: 9200
rules_folder: rules
  hours: 1
  minutes: 1
writeback_index: elastalert_status

Individual monitoring settings

name: status500-moniroting
type: frequency
index: logstash-*
num_events: 10
    minutes: 5
  - term:
      response: 500
  - slack
slack_webhook_url: ""
nsano-rururu commented 1 month ago

Why not use a paid service tool instead of OSS? Then they can answer all your questions, right?

nsano-rururu commented 1 month ago

Different rule types are available depending on the use case. I don't think it's any good to say anything to people who don't even want to look at the reference URL.

nsano-rururu commented 1 month ago

Praeco has no plans to develop new features and is not supported.

nsano-rururu commented 1 month ago

The praeco repository has been dead for a while now, no one answers questions or takes pull requests anymore.

nsano-rururu commented 1 month ago

I can't understand even if I read the oss documentation. I can't read the source code and analyze it. I should use paid software. It's a waste of time.

nsano-rururu commented 1 month ago

Posting questions to this repository is useless. No one will answer them. Absolutely not.

nsano-rururu commented 1 month ago

I told them in an issue but they didn't seem to understand. I'll tell you as many times as I want that this repository is dead.