The Entendrepreneur (entendre/entrepreneur) pun generator creates humorous portmanteaus and rhymes from provided input words.
Example generated portmanteaus:
For additional details see the associated NeurIPS 2018 workshop paper: Entendrepreneur: Generating Humorous Portmanteaus using Word-Embeddings
Code was built on Mac OS 10.12.6 using Python 2.7.10
Citable paper soon to be released on ArXiv.
Install the required Python packages
> pip install -r requirements.txt
Download 'WordNet' and 'CMU Pronouncing Dictionary' via the nltk downloader (see here):
> python -m nltk.downloader wordnet
> python -m nltk.downloader cmudict
Install Homebrew
> /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install Postgres
> brew services start postgresql
Setup Postgres db (see here)
> psql postgres
> CREATE DATABASE entendrepreneur_db;
Export the credentials to .bash_profile
> echo "export PUN_DATABASE_URL=postgresql://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@localhost/entendrepreneur_db" >> ~/.bash_profile
> python -c "import os; print os.urandom(24).encode('hex')" | read var ; echo "export PUN_SECRET_KEY=$var" >> ~/.bash_profile
> source ~/.bash_profile
Initialize the database and populate tables (takes ~10min)
> flask db init
> flask db migrate -m 'create tables'
> flask db upgrade
> python populate_tables
Run the app, and go to the url shown to view in browser
> flask run
Note: The following scripts should all be run from within the repo's top-level directory
To delete all rows from a table while keeping the schema intact:
> from app import db
> from app.models import TABLENAME
> TABLENAME.query.delete()
> db.session.commit()
To drop a table entirely:
> from app import db
> from app.models import TABLENAME
> TABLENAME.__table__.drop(db.engine)
> db.session.commit()
To create a new (empty) table:
> from app import db
> from app.models import TABLENAME
> db.create_all()
To copy the Postgres database from local hosting to Heroku hosting:
(1) Dump the data to a file:
> PGPASSWORD=punsaregreat pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U pun_user entendrepreneur_db > data/db_dumps/entendrepreneur_db_dump_compressed.dump
(2) Upload the entendrepreneur_db_dump_compressed.dump
file to an S3 bucket
(3) Overwrite the current Heroku databse with the content in the S3 file
> heroku pg:backups:restore '[S3_URL]' DATABASE_URL --confirm entendrepreneur-app
(4) Manually verify the content of the Heroku database
> heroku pg:psql
> \dt