jonathanchu / emacs-powerline

Powerline for Emacs
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Visualization Bug for arrow14 #12

Open hoeltgman opened 12 years ago

hoeltgman commented 12 years ago

Using the arrow shape arrow14, there's a slight bug on my emacs 24. The graphic for the arrow is too short by one row, one can see the bright green background behind it.

CNBorn commented 12 years ago

Encountering this problem as well on my Aquamacs, it even happens not only on arrow14, but also curve and arrow. My default font size is 18px, so larger fonts may easily get into this?

jonathanchu commented 12 years ago

Larger fonts will definitely be an issue, something that's not accounted for with how it's currently structured. Let me play around with it and see if I can send you a patch for a temporary fix.

CNBorn commented 12 years ago

My fork currently contains temporary fix for this, but it only tweaks XPM height from 18->30 and the arrow shape itself hasn't even polished yet. you can have a look at

jonathanchu commented 9 years ago

This might have been fixed in a patch by @ancane that I just merged into master. If this is still an issue, can you try this out and see if it solves it?

Apologies on the delay in response on this.

nomad-fr commented 5 years ago

I have still the same trouble,

Here is my config : ` ;; mode-line PowerLine ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; (add-to-list 'load-path "~/VersionControl/GitHub/emacs-powerline") (require 'powerline) (require 'cl) ;; You can choose between different arrow shapes: ;; (setq powerline-arrow-shape 'arrow) ;; the default (setq powerline-arrow-shape 'curve) ;; give your mode-line curves ;; (setq powerline-arrow-shape 'arrow14) ;; best for small fonts ;; change the mode-line color : Change the :foreground, :background, powerline-color1, powerline-color2 to whatever you wish. (setq powerline-color1 "#292929") (setq powerline-color2 "#494949") ;; change again mode-line color because of theme (custom-set-faces '(mode-line ((t (:foreground "#295488" :background "darkorange" :box nil)))) '(mode-line-inactive ((t (:foreground "darkorange" :background "#295488" :box nil))))) ;; mode-line PowerLine end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [...] (set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 100)

(when window-system
  (if (> (x-display-pixel-width) 3000)
        (set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 200)))`

It really depend off default font size, on a computer with resolution under 3000 with a font size height 100 it work, bit not with high resolution screen.

My git repo is up to date : commit bbbbcd7 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Date: Thu Dec 4 22:22:18 2014 -0500

Here is a screen shot of my High resolution screen. capture d ecran_2018-12-11_06-13-27