jonathanchu / emacs-powerline

Powerline for Emacs
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Error during redisplay #31

Closed shackra closed 9 years ago

shackra commented 9 years ago

I got this error with Powerline version 20150316.1142:

Error during redisplay: (eval (let* ((active (powerline-selected-window-active)) (mode-line (if active (quote mode-line) (quote mode-line-inactive))) (face1 (if active (quote powerline-active1) (quote powerline-inactive1))) (face2 (if active (quote powerline-active2) (quote powerline-inactive2))) (separator-left (intern (format "powerline-%s-%s" (powerline-current-separator) (car powerline-default-separator-dir)))) (separator-right (intern (format "powerline-%s-%s" (powerline-current-separator) (cdr powerline-default-separator-dir)))) (lhs (list (powerline-raw "%*" nil (quote l)) (powerline-buffer-size nil (quote l)) (powerline-buffer-id nil (quote l)) (powerline-raw " ") (funcall separator-left mode-line face1) (powerline-narrow face1 (quote l)) (powerline-vc face1))) (rhs (list (powerline-raw global-mode-string face1 (quote r)) (powerline-raw "%4l" face1 (quote r)) (powerline-raw ":" face1) (powerline-raw "%3c" face1 (quote r)) (funcall separator-right face1 mode-line) (powerline-raw " ") (powerline-raw "%6p" nil (quote r)) (powerline-hud face2 face1))) (center (list (powerline-raw " " face1) (funcall separator-left face1 face2) (when (boundp (quote erc-modified-channels-object)) (powerline-raw erc-modified-channels-object face2 (quote l))) (powerline-major-mode face2 (quote l)) (powerline-process face2) (powerline-raw " :" face2) (powerline-minor-modes face2 (quote l)) (powerline-raw " " face2) (funcall separator-right face2 face1)))) (concat (powerline-render lhs) (powerline-fill-center face1 (/ (powerline-width center) 2.0)) (powerline-render center) (powerline-fill face1 (powerline-width rhs)) (powerline-render rhs)))) signaled (void-variable left)
jonathanchu commented 9 years ago

I believe this is coming from @milkypostman's version of powerline. His is the only version on MELPA, and rightfully so ;)

shackra commented 9 years ago

so... uh... should I do the report there?

shackra commented 9 years ago

oh, ok. The issue is already reported there!

Sorry for the inconveniences!

jonathanchu commented 9 years ago

@shackra No need to apologize at all, I can see how it can be confusing :)