jonathanlilly / jLab

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topoplot can fail without arguments #4

Closed selipot closed 8 years ago

selipot commented 8 years ago

Sometimes, If I have a plot with x limits beyonds 0 and 360, a call to topoplot fails. Here is an example:

figure;xlim([-1 361]) topoplot Error using + Matrix dimensions must agree.

Error in patchcontourf (line 78) z1=zeros(size(z,1)+2,size(z,2)+2)+minmin(z);

Error in topoplot (line 205) h=patchcontourf(lon,lat,topo,-1/2,[1 1 1]*2/3,str);

jonathanlilly commented 8 years ago

This had to do with topoplot failing when the x-axis exceeds 360 degrees. This issue has been fixed and will be included in the next release.