Closed cmpute closed 5 years ago
I manually defined Fget with the same result with Fset, then I get another error occuring at
tmpl.basis = tmpl.basis(:,1:opt.maxbasis);
, in which opt is also a complicated struct.
error log
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 88, in
matlab2cpp.main(args) File "/mnt/d/编程/GitHub/matlab2cpp/matlab2cpp/", line 229, in main builder.project.translate(args) File "/mnt/d/编程/GitHub/matlab2cpp/matlab2cpp/node/", line 171, in translate backend.translate(self, opt) File "/mnt/d/编程/GitHub/matlab2cpp/matlab2cpp/node/", line 479, in translate map(translate, node) File "/mnt/d/编程/GitHub/matlab2cpp/matlab2cpp/node/", line 493, in translate translate_one(node, opt) File "/mnt/d/编程/GitHub/matlab2cpp/matlab2cpp/node/", line 550, in translate_one (node.cls, node.backend, node.file, node.line)) KeyError: "Expected to find rule for 'Assign' in the file ' Crash with file: /mnt/d/IVT/runtrackerfunc.m, on line: 96'"
As well, I de-comment the Assign function in, then I get:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 88, in
matlab2cpp.main(args) File "/mnt/d/编程/GitHub/matlab2cpp/matlab2cpp/", line 229, in main builder.project.translate(args) File "/mnt/d/编程/GitHub/matlab2cpp/matlab2cpp/node/", line 171, in translate backend.translate(self, opt) File "/mnt/d/编程/GitHub/matlab2cpp/matlab2cpp/node/", line 479, in translate map(translate, node) File "/mnt/d/编程/GitHub/matlab2cpp/matlab2cpp/node/", line 493, in translate translate_one(node, opt) File "/mnt/d/编程/GitHub/matlab2cpp/matlab2cpp/node/", line 557, in translate_one value = value(node) File "/mnt/d/编程/GitHub/matlab2cpp/matlab2cpp/rules/", line 74, in Cget n_fields = node["n_fields"] File "/mnt/d/编程/GitHub/matlab2cpp/matlab2cpp/node/", line 404, in __getitem__
raise IndexError("node child \"%s\" not found" % i) IndexError: node child "n_fields" not found
this time I have no idea about how to fix it.
the full code can be found here, I wrapped the script into a function called runtrackerfunc.
I guess there must be some features on struct not implemented, please see into this.
Yes there are features for struct (and cells) that are not implemented. Don't expect that I will be able to fix this quickly.
Got it, thanks for replying. Also I'll try to see what I can do to help.
while I'm trying to translate a matlab file, error occurs at the following code:
wimgs = [wimgs, param.wimg(:)];
, in which param is a struct. the error log writesI found that in, the function Fget doesn't do anything, is it not implemented yet?
In addition, error message here should be "missing return in function Fget in file".