Updated the data type suggestion so that if a variable in a function that is called multiple times is real one time and complex another time, the complex type is preferred.
In the parser there was a bug in the case there were no parenthesis
(at: |(| and |)| : if |(| (a > 1) && (a < 10) |)|
this was also the case for the: else if some_condition
Then only the first condition a > 1 was registered.
Updated the data type suggestion so that if a variable in a function that is called multiple times is real one time and complex another time, the complex type is preferred.
In the parser there was a bug in the case there were no parenthesis (at: |(| and |)| : if |(| (a > 1) && (a < 10) |)| this was also the case for the: else if some_condition Then only the first condition a > 1 was registered.
Also did some indexing fix.