jonkykong / SideMenu

Simple side/slide menu control for iOS, no code necessary! Lots of customization. Add it to your project in 5 minutes or less.
MIT License
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My SideMenu don´t work #205

Closed josepfm closed 7 years ago

josepfm commented 7 years ago

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I have read the guidelines for contributing and I understand:

Issue Description

It is difficult to describe in words, i would like to be able to send my simple project for you see the issue.

jonkykong commented 7 years ago

Please use pictures and words. I don't have time to look at everyone's projects.

josepfm commented 7 years ago

This is a simple structure of my interfaces. One VC to register and then, the main interface is a tabBar. The other interfaces are VC embed in a navigationController. I put a UIBarButtonItem in the view to hide the back button and so i can present the SideMenu. But i have a problem with the tabBar, when i select the first row of tableViewMenu, i go to the tabBar but the backButton appears again and i switch to the secondView of tabBar the backButton disappears but when i present the SideMenu and i select again the first row, i go to the first view of tabBar with the backButton appears and the second tabBarItem selected.

captura de pantalla 2017-06-03 a las 10 43 22

I hope you can help me.

xxtesaxx commented 7 years ago

SideMenu will replace the content of a UINavigationController with the new ViewController. That might be the missing key in your app. Your UITabBarController is not embedded in a UINavigationController which could cause the problems. Can you try putting it in a navigation controller (you probably need to hide the navigation bar of the controller since each tab has it's own navigation controller)

bildschirmfoto 2017-06-03 um 09 11 37
jonkykong commented 7 years ago

You need to read the README and look at the menuPresentMode property.

josepfm commented 7 years ago

What a kindness. I'll look for something better.
