jonlives / knife-spork

A workflow plugin to help many devs work with cookbooks and environments at once
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Knife Spork Omni Issues: Exception: NameError: uninitialized constant Chef::CookbookUploader #232

Open jshernandez017 opened 3 years ago

jshernandez017 commented 3 years ago

Not sure what is going on here. I replaced PATH names to generalize the question. This has been happening to me recently. It seem like I can upload cookbooks manually using knife spork upload COOKBOOK but I can't use knife spork omni COOKBOOK to bump,upload, and promote. Can anybody help? chef config: chef -v Chef Workstation version: 20.9.136 Chef Infra Client version: 16.4.41 Chef InSpec version: 4.22.22 Chef CLI version: 3.0.27 Chef Habitat version: 1.6.56 Test Kitchen version: 2.6.0 Cookstyle version: 6.16.10 error:

knife spork omni COOKBOOK
Git: Pulling latest changes from /PATH/TO/COOKBOOK
Pulling latest changes from git submodules (if any)
Successfully bumped harvest to v0.1.54!
Git add'ing /PATH/TO/COOKBOOK/metadata.rb

Git: Pulling latest changes from /PATH/TO/COOKBOOK
Pulling latest changes from git submodules (if any)
/Users/jhernandez/.chefdk/gem/ruby/2.7.0/gems/knife-spork-1.7.3/lib/chef/knife/spork-upload.rb:110: warning: constant Net::HTTPServerException is deprecated
ERROR: knife encountered an unexpected error
This may be a bug in the 'spork omni' knife command or plugin
Please collect the output of this command with the `-VVV` option before filing a bug report.
Exception: NameError: uninitialized constant Chef::CookbookUploader