jonwagner / EventSourceProxy

EventSourceProxy (ESP) is the easiest way to add scalable Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) logging to your .NET program
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Enum type ToString in TraceParameterProvider #33

Closed megakid closed 9 years ago

megakid commented 9 years ago

Hi there,

I have been logging my events using an interface that EventSourceProxy enables. E.g.

[EventSourceImplementation(Name = "MySource")]
public interface IEventSource
    [Event(1, Level = EventLevel.Informational)]
    void LogItServiceStatusEvent(string itService, RagStatus status);

This works fine but the event has 'status' = 0, 1, 2 etc... corresponding to the enum value. I want to print the name of the enum value instead. Following the documentation, I added this line before any proxies are created:

                .With<RagStatus>().Trace(e => e.ToString()).As("status");

Now I get this error when creating my proxy:

A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in EventSourceProxy.dll

Additional information: Cannot convert type ChamMon.Model.RagStatus to a type compatible with EventSource

My other remapped properties work fine. Is there another way of achieving my goal?



jonwagner commented 9 years ago

That could be a bug.

Have you tried it without the As clause at the end?

jonwagner commented 9 years ago

This is fixed in v3.0.4. For my tests, I configured it as:

TraceParameterProvider.Default.ForAnything().Trace((RagStatus s) => s.ToString());