joon-e / tidycomm

tidycomm: Data Modification and Analysis for Communication Research
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Make model objects available #24

Closed joon-e closed 1 year ago

joon-e commented 1 year ago

Several functions, including crosstab(), t_test(), etc., estimate statistical models. These model objects should be available in the result objects, which so far are standard tibbles. We can pass the model objects along by adding them as an attribute to a custom class and then providing a generic accessor (e.g, model()). We may also want to include further information, e.g. objects containing asssumption checks or a visualize() method (see #23).

However, the package contains functions...

Furthermore, not all of them need, or at least, perform assumption checks (citation needed?); visualize() should provide different plots for different types of models.

Thus, we have (at least) the following options:

1. One "superclass" (e.g., tdc.output) with individual subclasses per model type

The superclass would provide all necessary attributes (e.g., model, checks) which default to NULL if not feasible for a specific type. An individual subclass per model/output type (e.g., tdc.t_test) would be used for visualize()/plot() generics. Easy to implement and expand, however, accessor functions would often return NULL.

2. Individual classes (e.g., tdc.t_test, tdc.regression) per model/output type

Flexible, but potential for a lot of redundancies and future inconsistencies.

3. Superclasses per output "category" (e.g., tdc.univariate, tdc.bivariate) and individual subclasses per model/output type

For example, only outputs based on model objects would have a model attribut, thus less NULL attributes as in case 1. However, may also lead to redundancies and inconsistencies.

I'm leaning towards option 1, but am open to suggestions/feedback (including better class names).

LKobilke commented 1 year ago

My preferences are 1-3-2. I find approach 1 the most consistent. More frequent null-returns have a disadvantage, of course, but can be self-explanatory for users with well-formulated warnings().

Regrading names: output and subclasses seem fine. tdcmm could be more explicit, though longer?

MarHai commented 1 year ago

Agreed with option 1 as the easiest to use/understand/maintain. Also in agreement with @LKobilke (if I understood that correctly) that the NULL-returning accessor functions could still be empty-implemented and throw talkative/telling errors.

joon-e commented 1 year ago

I have started a very basic implementation of option 1, see branch add_tdcmm_classes (aa94627, etc.):

> crosstab(WoJ, reach, employment, chi_square = TRUE) %>% model()

    Pearson's Chi-squared test

data:  .
X-squared = 16.005, df = 6, p-value = 0.01373

So the next steps would be to update all other output functions as well, unless you find any problems with this approach now.

On a side note, using subclasses per output type does also allow us to, where necessary, change the print format of specific outputs. For example, I have removed the "test values" message from crosstab(chi_square = TRUE) and changed the printed tibble to include this information instead. This has the added benefit of not printing out this info when crosstab() is assigned to an object:

> crosstab(WoJ, reach, employment, chi_square = TRUE)
# A tibble: 3 × 5
  employment Local Regional National Transnational
* <chr>      <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>         <dbl>
1 Freelancer    23       36      104             9
2 Full-time    111      287      438            66
3 Part-time     15       32       75             4
# Chi-square = 16.005, df = 6, p = 0.014, V = 0.082
MarHai commented 1 year ago

I love it!

A couple of minor notes/questions:

joon-e commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the first two notes, I'll update this when I add proper documentation.

Regarding the third note/question, yes, with multiple models a list of models is returned. I'm not sure what optional parameters you suggest - specifying which model(s) to return?

MarHai commented 1 year ago

That was my thought, yes. Something like which = "...". But if we are only talking about multiple models in the sense of one per pair of variables (e.g., in t_test), then a list should be most feasible.

MarHai commented 1 year ago

Quick question on the progress: Do we aim for

  1. merging #18 and #27 first and then to apply the model objects to these changes as well OR
  2. making model objects available first and then update #18 and #27 before merging?

I think it makes a bit more sense to go for (1) in terms of sparing resources. However, if we do that, a bit more work rests on the shoulders of @joon-e which tempts me to rather opt for (2) instead ...

Ideally, we could get an early version up and running (in this repo, not on cran obvsly) somewhen around the start of this semester.

joon-e commented 1 year ago

While my initial idea was 1) as well, due to time constraints and workloads on my end I'm leaning more towards 2) now. I hope I'll have the initial model functions PR-ready by the beginning of next week.

MarHai commented 1 year ago

Now that we decided on path (2), I'd be thankful if we clarified the further working process: That is, are we fine with one review per pull/merge request? Also, particularly, does @joon-e want to have a final say for every PR?

Other than that, from my point of view, the next steps would be:

Any thoughts on this?

joon-e commented 1 year ago

I'm totally fine with one review per PR (which is how it is currently setup anyway, I guess); I'd like to have a final look before devel gets merged into master, at least for now, but again, that's how it's setup right now anyway.