joraff / wp-plugin-username-restriction-override

WordPress plugin to override restrictions that multisite imposes on usernames.
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=== Network Username Restrictions Override === Contributors: joraff Tags: admin, authentication, network, wpmu, multisite Requires at least: 3.4 Tested up to: 4.4.2 Stable tag: 1.3

Override restrictions on WordPress network usernames.

Note: this is a fork of, which is not actively maintained.

== Description ==

By default, WordPress network usernames cannot contain anything but lowercase letters and numbers. This plugin adds network options to let you include hyphens, underscores, or uppercase letters, if desired.

Furthermore, this plugin gives you the option to allow email addresses as usernames, or to allow all-numeric usernames (e.g. "1234").

Finally, this plugin lets you override the minimum length for usernames (which defaults to two characters).

== Installation ==

  1. Login as a network admin and navigate to the Network Admin panel.
  2. Upload the network-username-restrictions-override folder to your plugins folder, usually wp-content/plugins. (Or simply via the built-in installer.)
  3. Network Activate the plugin on the Plugins screen.
  4. Under Settings, enable any of the additional characters or formats for usernames.
  5. Add new users via the Users menu.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Why do my usernames end up in lowercase letters when I use uppercase? =

Unfortunately, the WordPress code for adding users forces usernames to lowercase without offering an option to configure it via a plugin.

= I have site URLs based on the username. Why don't some of them load? =

You'll have to update the regular expressions in your .htaccess file if you use email addresses or periods in site URLs. The default WordPress .htaccess configuration does not allow them, nor will this plugin edit your .htaccess automatically due to the risk involved.

== Screenshots ==

  1. Plugin options

== Changelog ==

= 1.3 =

= 1.2 =

= 1.1 =

= 1.0 =