as suggested by @xcthulhu:
"Here's a way to thwart miners: instead of making the roulette wheel based on block.prevhash, try using sha3([block.prevhash, block.nonce], 2). Mining is hard enough, but now this forces the miner to not only mine the ETH but also "mine" your roulette wheel. If you want to make it even harder, you can iterate sha3(sha3(sha3([block.prevhash, block.nonce], 2))), since sha3 is a costly procedure for GPUs."
as suggested by @xcthulhu: "Here's a way to thwart miners: instead of making the roulette wheel based on block.prevhash, try using sha3([block.prevhash, block.nonce], 2). Mining is hard enough, but now this forces the miner to not only mine the ETH but also "mine" your roulette wheel. If you want to make it even harder, you can iterate sha3(sha3(sha3([block.prevhash, block.nonce], 2))), since sha3 is a costly procedure for GPUs."