joschout / tilde

Top-down induction of first-order logical decision trees: master AI thesis implementation
Apache License 2.0
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decision-trees inductive-logic-programming machine-learning

TILDE: top-down induction of first-order logical decision trees

This repository contains an implementation of the TILDE algorithm for classification. The implementation is in function of my master thesis in Artificial Intelligence. The TILDE algorithm was proposed in:

Blockeel, H., & De Raedt, L. (1998). Top-down induction of first-order logical decision trees. Artificial Intelligence, 101(1�2), 285�297.

This repository contains two versions:

How do I get set up?

Pyhon 3.6 or higher is required, since the typing module is used.

When using Django, you should have a compiled version of the Django subsumption engine.

Example data sets

A couple of toy example data sets to get started with can be found in the ACE documentation.

A refactored TILDE version

This refactor contains a rework of the ProbLog-based TILDE-code. The main focus of this rework is separation of the general FOL-decision tree learning code and the ProbLog code which was used for representing logic, examples, queries ..., and for evaluating the queries on examples.

Separating the high-level decision-tree learning code from ProbLog allows the use of other libraries for representation and evaluation of queries and examples.

The structure of this package is as follows:

TILDE essentials package


A short overview of the functionality of the high-level FOL decision tree package. For more up-to-date info, see the source files.


from refactor.tilde_essentials.example import Example
from refactor.tilde_essentials.leaf_strategy import LeafBuilder
from refactor.tilde_essentials.splitter import Splitter
from refactor.tilde_essentials.stop_criterion import StopCriterion
from refactor.tilde_essentials.tree import DecisionTree
from refactor.tilde_essentials.tree_builder import TreeBuilder
from refactor.tilde_on_problog.evaluation import SimpleProgramQueryEvaluator
from refactor.tilde_on_problog.test_generation import ProbLogTestGeneratorBuilder

from problog.logic import Term, Var, Constant

# NOTE: include a non-empty example list
language = ...
examples = ...  # type: List[Example]
prediction_goal = Term('bongard')(Var('A',Constant('pos')))
engine = ... # ProbLog engine

test_evaluator = SimpleProgramQueryEvaluator()

test_generator_builder = ProbLogTestGeneratorBuilder(language=language,
splitter = Splitter(split_criterion_str='entropy', test_evaluator=test_evaluator,
leaf_builder = LeafBuilder()
stop_criterion = StopCriterion()
tree_builder = TreeBuilder(splitter=splitter, leaf_builder=leaf_builder, stop_criterion=stop_criterion)
decision_tree = DecisionTree(), tree_builder=tree_builder)
