tt-rss have a feature to share an article using plugin called "share" it shares article by its own unique URL
So is it possible to use this url in wallabag, when we add the article? instead of actual website url?
if i have full article locally with tt-rss/database and if wallabag can access it without going on web would it be great idea? is it possible?
Edit: if i manually add the unique url to wallabag it works.
tt-rss have a feature to share an article using plugin called "share" it shares article by its own unique URL So is it possible to use this url in wallabag, when we add the article? instead of actual website url?
if i have full article locally with tt-rss/database and if wallabag can access it without going on web would it be great idea? is it possible?
Edit: if i manually add the unique url to wallabag it works. thanks