jotta / jotta-cli-issues

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backup wont run #174

Closed fenchu closed 2 years ago

fenchu commented 2 years ago
# jotta-cli version
jottad executable : /usr/bin/jottad
jottad appdata    : /var/lib/jottad
jottad logfile    : /var/lib/jottad/jottabackup.log
jottad version    : 0.13.56239
jotta-cli version : 0.13.56239

# jotta-cli status
 Account   : XXXXXXX on Jottacloud
 Usage     : 394.39GiB / ( Unlimited )
 Device    : XXXXXX
 Sync is not enabled 
 Backups   :
   Path      : /old_system_drive/dist/docs
   Files     : 36000 (53.76GiB)
   Status    : 46 file(s) (380.76MiB) have not been backed up

   Path      : /old_system_drive/dist/gogs
   Files     : 4691 (770.07MiB)
   Status    : Up to date - Sat Mar 19 07:31:34
   ---- 1 folder(s) could not be backed up ----

   Path      : /old_system_drive/dist/photos
   Files     : 20503 (134.95GiB)
   Status    : 259 file(s) (2.77GiB) have not been backed up


what I got in the log after last restart:

pid:31308 2022/03/19 07:46:51 full scan at /old_system_drive/dist/photos completed in 1.039637848s. Found 20503 files 134.95GiB
pid:31308 2022/03/19 07:46:51 Queue for /old_system_drive/dist/photos is done
pid:31308 2022/03/19 07:46:51 Rem group called! 3 photos
# jotta-cli add /old_system_drive/dist/photos
ERROR  [/old_system_drive/dist/photos] is already added to backup
# jotta-cli resume --backup /old_system_drive/dist/photos
ERROR  backup /old_system_drive/dist/photos already running

give this to the log:

pid:31308 2022/03/19 07:50:30 unable to verify root of backup[/old_system_drive/dist/photos] => [/old_system_drive/dist/photos] is already added to backup
pid:31308 2022/03/19 07:51:43 unable to verify root of backup[/old_system_drive/dist/photos] => [/old_system_drive/dist/photos] is already added to backup

I havent added to the folder for months.

no backups are running

pause does not seem to work:

# jotta-cli pause --backup=/old_system_drive/dist/photos
Error: accepts 1 arg(s), received 0
  jotta-cli pause [flags]

      --backup string   pause an individual backup indefinitely
fenchu commented 2 years ago

jotta-cli tail do not output anything.

fenchu commented 2 years ago

This seem to work:

$ /usr/bin/migrate_jottad_settings
coopersimon commented 2 years ago

If migrate_jottad_settings worked, I'll go ahead and close this issue. Re-open it if you have any more problems.