jotta / jotta-cli-issues

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Feature Request: Remove archived files from jottacloud #192

Closed marlind89 closed 4 weeks ago

marlind89 commented 1 month ago


Is it possible to remove files located on jottacloud that have been uploaded via jotta-cli archive?

I want to upload a backup via jotta-cli archive periodically, but I only want to keep the 3 most recent ones in order to save space. To accomplish this I would have to delete older backups programmatically, but I can't find any api in the cli for this. I am aware I could go to the website and remove them from there but it would be great if this could be automated.


Kimbsen commented 4 weeks ago

There is currently no way to do this using jotta-cli. Only the manual method you already discovered.

But we only keep the 5 most recent versions of a file, so its almost as you want it already.

marlind89 commented 4 weeks ago

Ah cool, wasn't aware of that. Then I won't be needing this. Thanks!