Open knm100 opened 3 weeks ago
I have shortened the length of the password box. by commenting out something of xml file, I can hide the button of unlock and the word of password . but the gtklock output some GTK Warring in termnial.I should do something more to remove these warnings.
I would like to chang the blue background of the botton to another color, I've tried a lot of CSS Node names like #unlock-botton, #unlock-botton image, but there doesn't seem to be a way to change it.
Can you show the gtk warnings you get?
Also to change the button color use this css:
#unlock-button {
background-image: none;
background-color: red;
Can you show the gtk warnings you get?
The gtk warnings is as follows gtk-warnings.txt
This is my xml file gtklockui.xml.txt
the following css code didn't change the color of border of input field. is there another css node to contorl it?
color: #efefef;
border-color: green;
Use this:
#input-field:focus {
border-color: darkred;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px crimson;
It worked, thank you!
I would like to get a smaller passwd box and hide the button of unlock and the word of password. what should I add to css file to implementa it?