jpd002 / Play-Compatibility

Play! - Compatibility Tracker
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[SCES-53409] Sly 3 : Honor Among Thieves #413

Open jpd002 opened 6 years ago

jpd002 commented 6 years ago

Last Tested On August 12, 2018 - Windows 7 x64


Known Issues & Notes

Related US version [SCUS-97464] is more or less the same except it loops a couple dialogue boxes further into the conversation.

Screenshots & Videos sly3_2

1. Doesn't adhere to the PAL 50fps limit. play _-_ _sces_534 09 1_ _2018-08-12_03-10-09

2. Translucent green something or other, shadows maybe? sly3_1

3. Purple/pink hue - click image to view full size.

4. Rectangles extending outwards from the HUD. sly3_1

5. Missing projected cooper gang marker - Play! [left] vs. PCSX2 [right]. marker_

6. Missing particle effects click image to view full size.     i. Stealth aura sparkles, orange balls of laser-fire, and dust/smoke clouds - Play! [left] vs. PCSX2 [right]. particles_     ii. Charging cane - Play! [left] vs. PCSX2 [right]. cane_

8. Missing 3D character portraits in comm screens during cutscenes - click image to view full size.

9. Scrolling text drawn on top of everything instead of being hidden once it goes outside the bounds of ticker box. ticker

boberto5888 commented 6 years ago

jpd002: Moved info in the opening post! Thank you very much!!

boberto5888 commented 5 years ago

● I was able to skip parts of dialogue by mashing buttons (?), AFAIK they shouldn't be skippable.

Not sure why I thought button mashing did anything. The dialogue skips on its own and whether or not it gets stuck in a loop seems semi-random based on when you enter the cutscene...or something.

6. Missing particle effects - Play! [left] vs. PCSX2 [right]

    i. Stealth aura sparkles, orange ball of laser-fire, dust/smoke clouds.

    ii. Charging cane.

Enabling "accurate alpha test" fixes most/all issues with particles.

8.Missing 3D character portraits in comm screens during cutscenes.

This issue was resolved with the merge of of the gif_qtemp_reset branch.

    Click to view example

Didn't mention it in the OP but I had also noticed some odd clipping/z-fighting issue. Anyway, it's corrected by the directdepth_poc branch.

jpd002 commented 5 years ago

Nice! Thanks for the updated info! Really insightful!