When dragging an event from the weekly calendar portion TO make it an all day event, it does not work (and just goes back to where it was before the drag)
When dragging an event from the all day portion TO the weekly calendar portion (to not make it an all day event), it does not work (and just goes back to the all day portion)
Expected Behavior
Dragging an event from the weekly calendar portion to the all day portion, the event should become an all day event
Dragging an event fro the all day portion to the weekly calendar portion, the event should no longer be an all day event.
Check that this is really a bug
Reproduction link
Bug description
In the Drag and Drop example, there are two bugs:
Expected Behavior
Actual Behavior
See above for actual behavior.
react-big-calendar version
React version
Platform/Target and Browser Versions
macOS Chrome Sonoma 14.4.1
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