I've been trying to get the events in this view to show with a width corresponding to the actual time it takes up in a day, but it just shows as 2 full days. This is what I have so far with showMultiDayTimes prop set to false
This is with showMultiDayTimes set to true, in this case the event is completely broken and hard to read so seemed like showMultiDayTimes: false is closer to the deisgn I'm looking for
This is the expected behaviour - or something like this
I've been trying to get the events in this view to show with a width corresponding to the actual time it takes up in a day, but it just shows as 2 full days. This is what I have so far with showMultiDayTimes prop set to false
This is with showMultiDayTimes set to true, in this case the event is completely broken and hard to read so seemed like showMultiDayTimes: false is closer to the deisgn I'm looking for
This is the expected behaviour - or something like this