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Create a SCSS Style Guide #41

Open sfrisk opened 9 years ago

sfrisk commented 9 years ago

Currently we do not have an SCSS Style Guide, which will be important moving forward in the project, since we'll be using a preprocessor. The idea is to have this be similar in style to the CSS style guide.

battaglr commented 9 years ago

@sfrisk: certainly it's an important thing to have a well defined style guide for the project. I have a couple of questions:

  1. It's already defined the syntax flavor to use (Sass or SCSS)?
  2. Are there already some "rules" defined?
  3. Where can we start writing or collaborating if the document is already created?
sfrisk commented 9 years ago
  1. We'll be using SCSS, specifically LibSass
  2. Current rules that have been defined are for css only, which can be found on the css style guide. As for rules, mostly the one rule we have so far is to follow a BEM naming convention, which means avoiding cascading.
  3. There is currently no document for the SCSS style guide. Even though currently most style guides are kept in the contribute repository, it might make sense to create the style guide in our repo/wiki for now, and when it's at a point that we want, then we make a PR for the contribute repo.
arschmitz commented 9 years ago

if we want this just for discussion purposes here before submitting to contribute. We should probably just do a pr here for a scss_style_guide.md or something ( even though it wont land here ). That way its easy to discuss and track. Then we can reference that pr in the pr for contribute.

One note on this though, i can't find the issue right now, but there is discussion somewhere about moving the style guides on contribute to individual project pages.

trailofdad commented 9 years ago

I thought this was a pretty good example of an scss style guide: https://github.com/mobify/mobify-code-style/tree/master/css/sass-best-practices

ramasilveyra commented 9 years ago

One of the more widely used sass style guide is this: http://sass-guidelin.es/. Its written by one of the most popular sass developer and based in his extensive knowledge. We can draw inspiration from this work (Sass Guidelines).

handasolo commented 9 years ago

Is there any reason that the current css style guide uses double quotes instead of single quotes?

arschmitz commented 9 years ago

Yes we prefer double quotes

handasolo commented 9 years ago

stays consistent with the JS guide?

handasolo commented 9 years ago

Things that are already established in the css style guide:

Things that are not established in the css style guide or are either SCSS specific:

ghost commented 9 years ago

I would suggest to write your styles in less, which has variables, css cannot

sfrisk commented 9 years ago

That's why we're using SCSS, so we can use variables.

maikuru commented 9 years ago

And mix-ins :+1:

MichaelArestad commented 9 years ago

I agree with just about everything in this set: http://sass-guidelin.es/

arschmitz commented 9 years ago

@MichaelArestad none of those except extend are scss specific and we have rules for all of them in our styleguide / csscomb / csslint settings already.

MichaelArestad commented 9 years ago

@arschmitz Gah! Gotta get leading zeroes added back in!

battaglr commented 9 years ago

JOOC, what's the rationale for using leading zeros?

MichaelArestad commented 9 years ago

@battaglr Primarily readability. A leading zero is a clear indicator of a decimal being used.

battaglr commented 9 years ago

@MichaelArestad: the dot shouldn't be enough to indicate that? I know that this may fall under the personal-preference category... I'm just trying to understand the reasons. :smiley:

arschmitz commented 9 years ago

Just for the record style guides are entirely about 1 of 2 things personal preference ( even what you consider readable is a preference ) , and how easy it is to enforce with automated tools. Since leading zeros can be easily enforced either way it is 100% preference.

MichaelArestad commented 9 years ago

In this case, it's not entirely just personal preference. It really is more readable and obvious.

.class {
  margin-top: 3em;
  margin-top: .3em;

.class {
  margin-top: 3em;
  margin-top: 0.3em;
arschmitz commented 9 years ago

@MichaelArestad i consider those more or less equally readable and do consider this preference

MichaelArestad commented 9 years ago

@arschmitz That's fine. I'm pretty confident in my preference. There's a reason leading zeros made it into the Sass guidelines. It wasn't because the author preferred them. We can probably do a poll.

battaglr commented 9 years ago

@arschmitz & @MichaelArestad: my intention wasn't to make a big deal out of this, just wanted to know the rationale —and while I agree with @arschmitz that there is not a huge difference in readability, I have to accept that the a leading zero stands out a bit more.

arschmitz commented 9 years ago

Just for the record on what different projects use for leading zero rules in css

jQuery UI - Omit (http://contribute.jquery.org/style-guide/css/ ) jQuery Mobile - Omit (http://contribute.jquery.org/style-guide/css/ ) Chassis - Omit (http://contribute.jquery.org/style-guide/css/ ) David Clark - Uses ( http://davidtheclark.com/scss-lint-styleguide/ ) Google - Omit ( http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/htmlcssguide.xml#Leading_0s ) Leamonly - Omit ( https://github.com/Lemonly/style-guides/blob/master/guides/scss.md ) Code Guide Aka Bootstrap - Omit ( http://codeguide.co/ ) Martin Wolf - Omit ( https://github.com/martinwolf/CSS-Styleguide#omit-units-and-leading-zeros ) applepie - omit ( http://www.apppie.org/pages/approach/styleguide.html ) sassguideline.es - uses ( http://sass-guidelin.es/ ) wordpress - uses ( https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/coding-standards/css/ ) Mozilla - Omit ( http://mozweb.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/css-style.html ) Tailcoat - Omit ( http://arcgis.github.io/tailcoat/styleguides/css/ ) Drupal - Uses ( https://www.drupal.org/node/2399303 )

It seems like the vast majority of style guides that actually list a preference choose to omit.

There's a reason leading zeros made it into the Sass guidelines

I'm sure we can ll agree there were good reasons for the choices made in each of these projects that have chosen to express an opinion

maikuru commented 9 years ago

Syntactically it doesn't matter. They are both interpreted by the processors/interpreters as being explicitly identical. Where it does matter is we mortal humans far more likely to create a typo when omitting the leading zero than that when we include it.

arschmitz commented 9 years ago


we mortal humans far more likely to create a typo when omitting the leading zero than that when we include it.

Do you actually have evidence for this? I would say this would seem unlikely given the list of major players above that chose to omit them.

arschmitz commented 9 years ago

Considering that this has been an established rule for this project for nearly a year, it was the very first work done for it, and that @sfrisk spent a lot of time researching style guides before setting these rules. I propose we move this back onto the actual topic SCSS. Any issues with the current CSS style guide should really be opened as an issue on contribute.jquery.org where the current style guide lives.

battaglr commented 9 years ago

@arschmitz: oops! Sorry for deviating the topic. And FWIW, I prefer no leading zeros.

arschmitz commented 9 years ago

@battaglr no problem just trying to keep things on topic and productive. This is not the place to debate the CSS style guide there is a different repo for that.

sfrisk commented 9 years ago

Based on our discussions in the meeting last week, SCSS comments should follow the valid CSS comment rules we have in the jQuery Style Guide