jradavenport / Gender-in-Astro

A central repository for the ongoing study of gender in astronomy conferences
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Decide on results for Paper 2, assign tasks #14

Open jradavenport opened 8 years ago

jradavenport commented 8 years ago

Things I'm interested in putting in Paper 2:

Are we reaching the limit of what we can actually accomplish at AAS with this grass-roots work? The project is at an interesting impasse... do we need a professional (ethnographer/sociologist/etc) to better guide this?

malpaslan commented 8 years ago

I think there definitely is some merit in drawing recommendations from the data for future meetings. For example, given that we know that women are more likely to ask questions if the first question is from a woman, and that chairs often find an opportunity to ask the first question… it would follow that more sessions should be chaired by women.

On Jan 25, 2016, at 12:44, James Davenport notifications@github.com wrote:

Things I'm interested in putting in Paper 2:

An overview of the project and it's goals/mission. Definitely need help in deciding what these are, how long project should go for, how it should evolve, what does it need, etc... For example, next time we do the survey, we should make small/cheap flyers or cards to have laying everywhere at the meeting. Basic demographics numbers for talks vs speakers vs session chairs vs AAS attendees, as in Davenport (2014) (aka Paper 1), and Pritchard (2014). some comments on AAS vs NAM and other conferences is there "threshold"? If the first Q is F, subsequent Q's are more likely to be F? new grid plots? Any changes over 3 years of bulk demographic info? Group sessions by broad subject, any interesting big statements we can make (w/o being overly incendiary)? any actionable ideas we can draw from this data? Trends we can say point to "better" Q/A sessions? Big-philosophical-question:

Are we reaching the limit of what we can actually accomplish at AAS with this grass-roots work? The project is at an interesting impasse... do we need a professional (ethnographer/sociologist/etc) to better guide this?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

jradavenport commented 8 years ago

Yeah, these are exactly the kinds of observations I would like to put in to writing!

"We find that sessions chaired by women have more women asking questions."

and then in the conclusions

"We recommend trying to recruit as many women for session chairs as possible to help equilibrate the Q/A"
malpaslan commented 8 years ago

I think we definitely have the data to back that statement up (especially in the partial mosaic plots that show just question vs 1st question). It's unclear to me how we could precisely quantify that, but I'd be happy to spend some time digging into the mosaic plot code in R to see if it is possible.

jradavenport commented 8 years ago

My organizational thought is: People shout out what results they want to see computed (and if they willing to help do them) and we'll make an "Issue" for each.

I also want to include ALL previous contributors on the authors list! cc: everyone who's worked on the Gender project before, including...

@mehmsy @willettk @karraki @ermaier @hmchristenson @jneilcottle @astronomeralex @kpoppenhaeger @eringrand @mfouesneau @aburgasser @lauralwatkins @PaulDeStefano @bmorris3 @brittafiore @aholachek

Please let me know if I'm missing somebody!

malpaslan commented 8 years ago

Cool. Shall I start an 'issue' for the mosaic plots then?

jradavenport commented 8 years ago

Yes! :+1:

bmorris3 commented 8 years ago

I'm willing to contribute whatever I can help with. I'm hoping some ideas come up below that I can take a swing at :metal:

mfouesneau commented 8 years ago

Happy to help as well. Let me know what/how to proceed.

fyi remember to check for agreements on publishing the paper. May takes time.

jradavenport commented 8 years ago

Good point @mfouesneau, will only include authors who reply with positive consent!

astronomeralex commented 8 years ago

happy to be a part of this, too! what can i do to help?

eringrand commented 8 years ago

Happy to join up again! (Especailly now I'm much more profiecent in Python and R.)

lauralwatkins commented 8 years ago

I'm also very happy to help!

malpaslan commented 8 years ago

So as a total aside, some friends of mine are developing a web-based threaded chat platform that works like a mix of chat, forums, and mailing lists. If people are interested, I can get us a room in there to make informal discussions a little easier. It runs in browser, has image embedding, and messages persist between sessions, and we can have different threads running simultaneously in real time. It's on euphoria.io - take a look and let me know, and I'll ask for a room if there is interest.

brittafiore commented 8 years ago

Very excited to see this project moving forward. I'm happy to help. Let me know what I can do!


On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 1:41 PM, Mehmet notifications@github.com wrote:

So as a total aside, some friends of mine are developing a web-based threaded chat platform that works like a mix of chat, forums, and mailing lists. If people are interested, I can get us a room in there to make informal discussions a little easier. It runs in browser, has image embedding, and messages persist between sessions, and we can have different threads running simultaneously in real time. It's on euphoria.io - take a look and let me know, and I'll ask for a room if there is interest.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jradavenport/Gender-in-Astro/issues/14#issuecomment-174677638 .

Brittany Fiore-Gartland, Ph.D. Data Science Ethnographer Moore-Sloan Data Science Postdoctoral Fellow Washington Research Foundation Innovation Postdoctoral Fellow Human Centered Design & Engineering | eScience Institute University of Washington @brittafiore

PaulDeStefano commented 8 years ago

Thanks for including me! I know I'm a little removed, now, but I'm willing help any way I can. I wrote the names-to-gender code for AAS225; if the format of attendee names data for recent conferences is the same, I think it will work. Do you still need something like that?

kpoppenhaeger commented 8 years ago

Hey, great to see that there's a new project! I'm happy to help. I wasn't at this year's AAS winter meeting because I just moved to the UK - is the new dataset similar to the one used in our old paper?



On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 10:04 PM, Paul DeStefano notifications@github.com wrote:

Thanks for including me! I know I'm a little removed, now, but I'm willing help any way I can. I wrote the names-to-gender code for AAS225; if the format of attendee names data for recent conferences is the same, I think it will work. Do you still need something like that?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jradavenport/Gender-in-Astro/issues/14#issuecomment-174688341 .

Dr. Katja Poppenhaeger

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) Queen's University Belfast Astrophysics Research Centre Belfast, BT7 1NN, United Kingdom

Research Associate Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 60 Garden Street Cambridge, 02138 MA, USA

jradavenport commented 8 years ago

@kpoppenhaeger Yup, data should be very similar to what we used a couple years ago. Now that you're in the UK, we hope you'll help carry the project on to NAM :)

To all the project alumni: please do share your thoughts, make Issues, etc! Loving the feedback all

jradavenport commented 8 years ago

I've put up a brain dump of avenues that need work. Please, read thru, if you see any you can help attack then make a comment or shoot me a msg.

aburgasser commented 8 years ago

I can try to reach out to some of my sociology/ethnic studies/gender studies colleagues here, to see if they have some insight on how we might proceed from a broader theoretical basis. Thanks for resurrecting my participation!


On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 3:45 PM, James Davenport notifications@github.com wrote:

I've put up a brain dump of avenues that need work. Please, read thru, if you see any you can help attack then make a comment or shoot me a msg.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jradavenport/Gender-in-Astro/issues/14#issuecomment-175295549 .

Adam Burgasser, PhD

Professor of Physics Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences University of California, San Diego


ermaier commented 8 years ago

I’m definitely still interested in helping with this! Been super caught up in internship applications, but I should be more free soon, so please let me know what I can do to help.


From: James Davenport [mailto:notifications@github.com] Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 3:13 PM To: jradavenport/Gender-in-Astro Cc: Erin Maier Subject: Re: [Gender-in-Astro] Decide on results for Paper 2, assign tasks (#14)

My organizational thought is: People shout out what results they want to see computed (and if they willing to help do them) and we'll make an "Issue" for each.

I also want to include ALL previous contributors on the authors list! cc: everyone who's worked on the Gender project before, including...

@mehmsy https://github.com/mehmsy @willettk https://github.com/willettk @karraki https://github.com/karraki @ermaier https://github.com/ermaier @hmchristenson https://github.com/hmchristenson @jneilcottle https://github.com/jneilcottle @astronomeralex https://github.com/astronomeralex @kpoppenhaeger https://github.com/kpoppenhaeger @eringrand https://github.com/eringrand
@mfouesneau https://github.com/mfouesneau @aburgasser https://github.com/aburgasser @lauralwatkins https://github.com/lauralwatkins @PaulDeStefano https://github.com/PaulDeStefano @bmorris3 https://github.com/bmorris3 @brittafiore https://github.com/brittafiore @aholachek https://github.com/aholachek

Please let me know if I'm missing somebody!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jradavenport/Gender-in-Astro/issues/14#issuecomment-174664581 . https://github.com/notifications/beacon/AMBM6FFEfMhJa0gyRNive0T4zQ2eTfhbks5pdoc_gaJpZM4HL9f7.gif

jradavenport commented 8 years ago

Hey folks, just wanted to ping to ask if there had been any progress? I've talked with a few of you, but want to make sure things are moving forward from people who want to help out.

If things stall out (no judgement - we all over subscribed) I'll push forward with a slightly limited scope.


kpoppenhaeger commented 8 years ago

Hi Jim,

I couldn't push this directly to the repo, but here is the raw data and participant list I got from the UK exoplanet community meeting 2016v (UKEXOM2016).



On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 1:45 AM, James Davenport notifications@github.com wrote:

Hey folks, just wanted to ping to ask if there had been any progress? I've talked with a few of you, but want to make sure things are moving forward from people who want to help out.

If things stall out (no judgement - we all over subscribed) I'll push forward with a slightly limited scope.


— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jradavenport/Gender-in-Astro/issues/14#issuecomment-194060249 .

Dr. Katja Poppenhaeger

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) Queen's University Belfast Astrophysics Research Centre Belfast, BT7 1NN, United Kingdom

Research Associate Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 60 Garden Street Cambridge, 02138 MA, USA

talk_no,speaker,chair,questions 1,m,f,ffmm 2,m,f,mfff 3,m,f,mmfmm 4,m,m,mmfm 5,f,m,mfm 6,f,m,mm 7,f,m,ffm 8,m,m,m 9,f,f,fmfmm 10,m,f,mf 11,m,f,mfff 12,m,f,mmm 13,f,m,mmfm 14,m,m,mmf 15,m,m,mmf 16,m,m,fmf 17,m,m,m 18,f,m,mmmmm 19,m,m,ffm 20,m,m,mm 21,m,f,mf 22,f,f,mfmf 23,m,f,f 24,m,f,mmf 25,m,m,fm 26,m,m,fff 27,f,m,mf 28,m,m,m 29,m,m,mmm 30,m,m,mmmm 31,m,m,mmm 32,m,m,mm 33,m,m,mm 34,m,m,mf 35,m,m,mm 36,m,f,mmfmmmf 37,m,f,f 38,m,f,mm 39,f,m,mm 40,m,m,m

Conny Aerts Suzanne Aigrain David Anderson Isabelle Baraffe Adrian Barker Joanna Barstow Jayne Birkby Mariangela Bonavita Amy Bonsor Rachel Booth Ian Boutle David Brown Matthew Browning Andrew Cameron Tiago Campante Philip Carter Sarah Casewell Heather Cegla Gilles Chabrier William Chaplin Gavin Coleman Joseph Cooper Guy Davies Ernst de Mooij Brice-Olivier Demory Martin Dominik Benjamin Drummond Cornelis Dullemond Stephen Durkan Daniel Evans Thomas Evans Mark Fletcher Clemence Fontanive Duncan Forgan Emma Foxell Ryan Garland Siddharth Gandhi Neale Gibson Samuel Gill Edward Gillen Jayesh Goyal Maximilian Günther Cassandra Hall Richard Hall Paul Hallam Kirstin Hay Raphaëlle Haywood Éric Hébrard Christina Hedges Coel Hellier Christiane Helling Sasha Hinkley Gabriella Hodosán Mark Hollands Matthew Hooton Tiffany Kataria Grant Kennedy George King James Kirk Jessica Kirkby-Kent Stefan Kraus Guillaume Laibe Kristine Lam Graham Lee Stefan Lines Joe Llama Emma Longstaff Eric Lopez Pablo Loren-Aguilar Thomas Louden Mia Mace Nikku Madhusudhan James Manners Mark Marley Soko Matsumura Elisabeth Matthews Pierre Maxted Nathan Mayne Stephane Mazevet James McCormac Will McLean Andrea Miglio Teo Mocnik Subhanjoy Mohanty Samuel Morrell Annelies Mortier David Mouillet Alexander Mustill Matthew Mutter Tim Naylor Richard Nelson Marion Neveu Van Malle Charlotte Norris Hugh Osborn Sijme-Jan Paardekooper Paul Palmer Ian Parry Hannu Parviainen Enzo Pascale Arazi Pinhas Eva Plávalová Don Pollacco Benjamin Pope Katja Poppenhaeger Didier Queloz Vinesh Rajpul Marco Rocchetto Pamela Rowden Sarah Rugheimer Felix Sainsbury-Martinez Mark Salisbury Subhajit Sarkar Damien Ségransan Andrew Shannon David Sing David Skålid Amundsen Barry Smalley Ignas Snellen John Southworth Jessica Spake Daniel Staab John Strachan Lorna Temple Marcell Tessenyi Jean Teyssandier Scott Thomas Andrew Thompson Samantha Thompson Giovanna Tinetti Pascal Tremblin Amaury Triaud Angelos Tsiaras Oliver Turner Geoffrey Vallis Dimitri Veras Colin Vincent Johanna Vos Hannah Wakeford Ingo Waldmann Christopher Watson Richard West Peter Wheatley Tom Wilson Jack Yates John Young Sergey Yurchenko University College London s.yurchenko@ucl.ac.uk

jradavenport commented 8 years ago

Hi Katja,

It doesn't look like any data got attached when you replied (I think GitHub strips out any attachments when replying to a comment thread).

Could you email the data to me directly in a new email?

Thanks! -Jim