jrl-umi3218 / lipm_walking_controller

Walking controller based on linear inverted pendulum tracking
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
18 stars 11 forks source link

issue after running the LIPM package #15

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago


I have installed your packages and I am currently trying to run LIPM walking controller with JVRC1 robot. But after running the "choreonoid --start-simulation sim_mc.cnoid" command, the robot falls down in simulator and the message page is as following. Do you know how can I solve this issue? Thank You

Detecting plugin file "/usr/local/lib/choreonoid-1.7/libCnoidCorbaPlugin.so"
Detecting plugin file "/usr/local/lib/choreonoid-1.7/libCnoidOpenRTMPlugin.so"
Detecting plugin file "/usr/local/lib/choreonoid-1.7/libCnoidBalancerPlugin.so"
Detecting plugin file "/usr/local/lib/choreonoid-1.7/libCnoidAssimpPlugin.so"
Detecting plugin file "/usr/local/lib/choreonoid-1.7/libCnoidPythonSimScriptPlugin.so"
Detecting plugin file "/usr/local/lib/choreonoid-1.7/libCnoidPythonPlugin.so"
Detecting plugin file "/usr/local/lib/choreonoid-1.7/libCnoidGrxUIPlugin.so"
Detecting plugin file "/usr/local/lib/choreonoid-1.7/libCnoidBodyPlugin.so"
Detecting plugin file "/usr/local/lib/choreonoid-1.7/libCnoidPoseSeqPlugin.so"
Body customizer "/usr/local/lib/choreonoid-1.7/customizer/Labo1Customizer.so" for Labo1 has been loaded.
Body-plugin has been activated.
Assimp-plugin has been activated.
SimulationExecutionContext has been registered.
SimulationPeriodicExecutionContext has been registered.
ChoreonoidExecutionContext has been registered.
ChoreonoidPeriodicExecutionContext has been registered.
OpenRTM-plugin has been activated.
PoseSeq-plugin has been activated.
Python-plugin has been activated.
PythonSimScript-plugin has been activated.
Balancer-plugin has been activated.
Corba-plugin has been activated.
GrxUI-plugin has been activated.
Loading project file "sim_mc.cnoid" ...
Task sequencer '' has been deactivated.
PythonPlugin: "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/hrpsys" has been added to the Python module search path list.
Restoring ExtCommandItem "ModelLoader"
OpenGL version is 3.0.
GLSL version is 1.30.
External command "openhrp-model-loader" has been executed by item "ModelLoader".
Restoring WorldItem "World"
Restoring BodyItem "JVRC1"
Loading Body "/usr/local/share/OpenHRP-3.1/robot/JVRC1/main.wrl"
 -> ok!
Restoring BodyRTCItem "BodyRTC"
Cannot find or open "/usr/local/lib/choreonoid-1.7/rtc/Virtual-JVRC1-RTC.conf".
A file of RTC "PDcontroller" does not exist.
RTC "PDcontroller" cannot be created.
RTC "JVRC1Controller(Robot)0" has been created.
Restoring SensorVisualizer "SensorVisualizer"
Restoring BodyItem "longfloor"
Loading Body "/usr/local/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/longfloor.wrl"
 -> ok!
Restoring AISTSimulatorItem "AISTSimulator"
Restoring PythonSimScriptItem "sim_mc.py"
Loading Python Script for Simulation "/usr/local/share/hrpsys/samples/JVRC1/sim_mc.py"
 -> ok!
8 / 8 item(s) have been loaded.
Project "sim_mc.cnoid" has been completely loaded.
RTC "PDcontroller" is not ready.
Warning: BodyRTC for JVRC1 failed to start.
Simulation by AISTSimulator has started.
Execution of Python script "sim_mc.py" has been started.
The execution of Python script "sim_mc.py" failed.
ImportError: No module named 'omniORB'

  /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/hrpsys/rtm.py(1): <module>
  <frozen importlib._bootstrap>(222): _call_with_frames_removed
  <frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>(665): exec_module
  <frozen importlib._bootstrap>(673): _load_unlocked
  <frozen importlib._bootstrap>(958): _find_and_load_unlocked
  <frozen importlib._bootstrap>(969): _find_and_load
  /usr/local/share/hrpsys/samples/JVRC1/sim_mc.py(3): <module>
arntanguy commented 4 years ago

How did you install choreonoid and related packages? Considering your log file I'd wager from source?

Cannot find or open "/usr/local/lib/choreonoid-1.7/rtc/Virtual-JVRC1-RTC.conf".
A file of RTC "PDcontroller" does not exist.

This is the reason your robot falls to the floor, the PDController is computing the joints reference for the robot, without it the joints are unactuated. PDController is part of hrpsys-base, has this been successfully installed?

Can you check that you have lib/choreonoid-1.7/rtc/PDcontroller.so ?

ImportError: No module named 'omniORB'

That's another separate issue, looks like you might be missing the python-omniorb package?

Other general troubleshooting tips:

zahednejad203 commented 4 years ago

@arntanguy I have the same problem. when I try to run the choreonoid I get : ImportError: No module named 'omniORB' Here is the log :

The Eigen library version 3.2.92 is used (SIMD intruction sets in use: SSE, SSE2).
Detecting plugin file "/usr/local/bin/../lib/choreonoid-1.8/libCnoidOpenRTMPlugin.so"
Detecting plugin file "/usr/local/bin/../lib/choreonoid-1.8/libCnoidPythonSimScriptPlugin.so"
Detecting plugin file "/usr/local/bin/../lib/choreonoid-1.8/libCnoidAssimpPlugin.so"
Detecting plugin file "/usr/local/bin/../lib/choreonoid-1.8/libCnoidCorbaPlugin.so"
Detecting plugin file "/usr/local/bin/../lib/choreonoid-1.8/libCnoidPoseSeqPlugin.so"
Detecting plugin file "/usr/local/bin/../lib/choreonoid-1.8/libCnoidPythonPlugin.so"
Detecting plugin file "/usr/local/bin/../lib/choreonoid-1.8/libCnoidBodyPlugin.so"
Detecting plugin file "/usr/local/bin/../lib/choreonoid-1.8/libCnoidBalancerPlugin.so"
Body customizer "/usr/local/bin/../lib/choreonoid-1.8/customizer/Labo1Customizer.so" for Labo1 has been loaded.
Body-plugin has been activated.
Assimp-plugin has been activated.
SimulationExecutionContext has been registered.
SimulationPeriodicExecutionContext has been registered.
ChoreonoidExecutionContext has been registered.
ChoreonoidPeriodicExecutionContext has been registered.
OpenRTM-plugin has been activated.
PoseSeq-plugin has been activated.
Python-plugin has been activated.
PythonSimScript-plugin has been activated.
Balancer-plugin has been activated.
Corba-plugin has been activated.
Loading project file "sim_mc.cnoid" ...
Task sequencer '' has been deactivated.
OpenGL 3.3 (VMware, Inc. llvmpipe (LLVM 6.0, 256 bits), GLSL 3.30) is available for the "Scene" view.
 Shadow casting is disabled for this GPU due to some problems.
PythonPlugin: "/usr/local/bin/../lib/python2.7/dist-packages/hrpsys" has been added to the Python module search path list.
Restoring ExtCommandItem "ModelLoader"
External command "openhrp-model-loader" has been executed by item "ModelLoader".
Restoring WorldItem "World"
Restoring BodyItem "JVRC1"
Loading Body "/usr/local/share/OpenHRP-3.1/robot/JVRC1/main.wrl"
 -> ok!
Restoring BodyRTCItem "BodyRTC"
Config File "/usr/local/bin/../lib/choreonoid-1.8/rtc/Virtual-JVRC1-RTC.conf" has been loaded.
RTC "PDcontroller" has been created from "/usr/local/bin/../lib/choreonoid-1.8/rtc/PDcontroller.so".
RTC "JVRC1Controller(Robot)0" has been created.
Restoring SensorVisualizer "SensorVisualizer"
loading file:////usr/local/share/OpenHRP-3.1/robot/JVRC1/main.wrl
Humanoid node
Joint node PELVIS
  Segment node PELVIS_S
  Joint node R_HIP_P
    Segment node R_HIP_P_S
    Joint node R_HIP_R
      Segment node R_HIP_R_S
      Joint node R_HIP_Y
        Segment node R_HIP_Y_S
        Joint node R_KNEE
          Segment node R_KNEE_S
          Joint node R_ANKLE_R
            Segment node R_ANKLE_R_S
            Joint node R_ANKLE_P
              Segment node R_ANKLE_P_S
  Joint node L_HIP_P
    Segment node L_HIP_P_S
    Joint node L_HIP_R
      Segment node L_HIP_R_S
      Joint node L_HIP_Y
        Segment node L_HIP_Y_S
        Joint node L_KNEE
          Segment node L_KNEE_S
          Joint node L_ANKLE_R
            Segment node L_ANKLE_R_S
            Joint node L_ANKLE_P
              Segment node L_ANKLE_P_S
  Joint node WAIST_Y
    Segment node WAIST_Y_S
    Joint node WAIST_P
      Segment node WAIST_P_S
      Joint node WAIST_R
        Segment node WAIST_R_S
        Joint node NECK_Y
          Segment node NECK_Y_S
          Joint node NECK_R
            Segment node NECK_R_S
            Joint node NECK_P
              Segment node NECK_P_S
        Joint node R_SHOULDER_P
          Segment node R_SHOULDER_P_S
          Joint node R_SHOULDER_R
            Segment node R_SHOULDER_R_S
            Joint node R_SHOULDER_Y
              Segment node R_SHOULDER_Y_S
              Joint node R_ELBOW_P
                Segment node R_ELBOW_P_S
                Joint node R_ELBOW_Y
                  Segment node R_ELBOW_Y_S
                  Joint node R_WRIST_R
                    Segment node R_WRIST_R_S
                    Joint node R_WRIST_Y
                      Segment node R_WRIST_Y_S
                      Joint node R_UTHUMB
                        Segment node R_UTHUMB_S
                        Joint node R_LTHUMB
                          Segment node R_LTHUMB_S
                      Joint node R_UINDEX
                        Segment node R_UINDEX_S
                        Joint node R_LINDEX
                          Segment node R_LINDEX_S
                      Joint node R_ULITTLE
                        Segment node R_ULITTLE_S
                        Joint node R_LLITTLE
                          Segment node R_LLITTLE_S
        Joint node L_SHOULDER_P
          Segment node L_SHOULDER_P_S
          Joint node L_SHOULDER_R
            Segment node L_SHOULDER_R_S
            Joint node L_SHOULDER_Y
              Segment node L_SHOULDER_Y_S
              Joint node L_ELBOW_P
                Segment node L_ELBOW_P_S
                Joint node L_ELBOW_Y
                  Segment node L_ELBOW_Y_S
                  Joint node L_WRIST_R
                    Segment node L_WRIST_R_S
                    Joint node L_WRIST_Y
                      Segment node L_WRIST_Y_S
                      Joint node L_UTHUMB
                        Segment node L_UTHUMB_S
                        Joint node L_LTHUMB
                          Segment node L_LTHUMB_S
                      Joint node L_UINDEX
                        Segment node L_UINDEX_S
                        Joint node L_LINDEX
                          Segment node L_LINDEX_S
                      Joint node L_ULITTLE
                        Segment node L_ULITTLE_S
                        Joint node L_LLITTLE
                          Segment node L_LLITTLE_S
The model was successfully loaded ! 
Restoring BodyItem "longfloor"
Loading Body "/usr/local/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/longfloor.wrl"
 -> ok!
Restoring AISTSimulatorItem "AISTSimulator"
Restoring PythonSimScriptItem "sim_mc.py"
Loading Python Script for Simulation "/usr/local/share/hrpsys/samples/JVRC1/sim_mc.py"
 -> ok!
8 / 8 item(s) have been loaded.
Project "sim_mc.cnoid" has been completely loaded.
setup RT components
detected the ExecutionContext
connect JVRC1Controller(Robot)0:q --> PDcontroller0:angle
Connection was successful.
connect JVRC1Controller(Robot)0:tau <-- PDcontroller0:torque
Connection was successful.
Simulation by AISTSimulator has started.
Execution of Python script "sim_mc.py" has been started.
The execution of Python script "sim_mc.py" failed.
ImportError: No module named 'omniORB'

  /usr/local/bin/../lib/python2.7/dist-packages/hrpsys/rtm.py(1): <module>
  <frozen importlib._bootstrap>(222): _call_with_frames_removed
  <frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>(665): exec_module
  <frozen importlib._bootstrap>(673): _load_unlocked
  <frozen importlib._bootstrap>(958): _find_and_load_unlocked
  <frozen importlib._bootstrap>(969): _find_and_load
  /usr/local/share/hrpsys/samples/JVRC1/sim_mc.py(3): <module>

I'm running choreonoid from /usr/local/share/hrpsys/samples/JVRC1

gergondet commented 4 years ago

Did you install python-omniorb?