jrodrigv / PhysicsRangeExtender

This is a KSP mod that will extend the physics range
The Unlicense
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Enhanced Physics Range not working #5

Closed Battle8111 closed 7 years ago

Battle8111 commented 7 years ago

I noticed that BDArmory continued supported extended physics range with the default setting being @ 200000 KM in the settings file, I tried to test this in-game with just the mod itself and was unable to load vehicles at this distance what so ever, not even at 20 KM. I noticed its at the default of 2.5 KM. I tested the issue both on 32 bit & 64 bit KSP . Game version is 1.3 and is latest version of BDArmory continued.

I have no other mods that could conflict with this and have started a fresh in-game save file to eliminate any mod/or save file issues, I am gonna provide some screen shots to show that its not working for me. I am also running the game in 64 bit. Hopefully this is a bug and I am not providing information to an issue that is non-existent, maybe I am doing it wrong.

Attachments below with pictures. Will be willing to provide any more info if asked. 20170704184854_1 20170704184904_1 20170704184910_1 20170704184920_1 20170704184925_1

jrodrigv commented 7 years ago

Hi! Just to clarify. Do you mean that you are not using KSP 1.3 right?

If you go to the releases section on this page you will the KSP 1.3 release

Battle8111 commented 7 years ago

I am testing the mod with Airpark, Vessel Mover and BDarmory continued and after around 15KM the opposing vehicle deletes itself. I guess I can't seem to get this to work for me properly. :/

EDIT: Its all on KSP 1.3

EDIT2: Correction, it happens @ 23.5 KM when it deletes the opposing vehicle and becomes debris

jrodrigv commented 7 years ago

The vessel that becomes debris, Is a landed vessel?

Battle8111 commented 7 years ago

Yes, it does become debris the one landed, sorry for the long response again.

jrodrigv commented 7 years ago

You need to place landed vessels on static objects like Runways. Or using Kerbal Konstructs for example.

Battle8111 commented 7 years ago

That makes sense! Thanks!