My setup:
Puppet Server 7.9.2 on JRuby (as a standard).
Puppet Agent 7.20.0
sqlite3 database as a source of infrastructure for configuration data
Custom function brakes puppet server (in a way I'll describe below):
require 'activerecord-jdbc-adapter'
Puppet::Functions.create_function(:brakepuppet) do
dispatch :brakepuppet do
required_param 'String', :print_text
def brakepuppet(print_text)
return $print_text
if I comment require 'activerecord-jdbc-adapter' - everything works at it should be.
Puppet manifest looks like:
info("This is DEBUG")
file {
ensure => 'file',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644';
content => brakepuppet("Print this text please");
Puppet Server problem.
We have puppet server running on jruby and puppetagent running as ruby client application.
Step 1:
I manually run agent to sync first time. > puppet agent --test.
Agent requests the catalog first time
It executes brakepuppet function but
compile catalog and
returns it from the server to the agent
Step 2:
Manually run puppet agent second time
puppet server "asks" (no errors in the debug log) agent to clean up local cache lib directories
which then brakes catalog application (in case of more complex catalog then you see above).
My assumption:
puppetserver see changes some lib folder (cache creation)
puppetserver do not see library directories on the agent as there is pure ruby app
some difference between master and agent because of agent does not have/need this gem as we run ruby app (not jruby).
and (reality)
activerecord-jdbc-adapter redefines some ruby env to change puppet behavior
This project is part of migration from Puppet5 to Puppet7 and Puppet5 did not use JRuby so we were good with using active-record in this custom function, but now looks like it's our only option.
My setup: Puppet Server 7.9.2 on JRuby (as a standard). Puppet Agent 7.20.0 sqlite3 database as a source of infrastructure for configuration data
Custom function brakes puppet server (in a way I'll describe below):
if I comment
require 'activerecord-jdbc-adapter'
- everything works at it should be.Puppet manifest looks like:
Puppet Server problem. We have puppet server running on jruby and puppetagent running as ruby client application. Step 1:
> puppet agent --test
.brakepuppet function
butThis project is part of migration from Puppet5 to Puppet7 and Puppet5 did not use JRuby so we were good with using active-record in this custom function, but now looks like it's our only option.