jsavargas / telegram-downloader

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telegram downloader (beta)

telegram downloader is a program to download files from channels that prevent the forwarding of messages to a bot, allowing the download of files using the personal account via the web UI and command line


docker run --rm -it \
    -e APP_ID=xxxxxxxx \
    -e API_HASH=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
    -e BOT_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
    -p6543:5000 \
    -v /mnt/user/appdata/telegram-test:/config  \

    docker run --rm -it -e APP_ID=123456 -e API_HASH=12345678901234567890 -e BOT_TOKEN=1234567890:abcdefghijklmabcdefghijklm-p4 -p6543:5000 -v /mnt/user/appdata/telegram-test:/config  jsavargas/telegram-downloader-ui:beta


version: "3.9"
    image: jsavargas/telegram-downloader:alfa
    container_name: telegram-download
      - PUID=99
      - PGID=100
      - APP_ID=131 
      - API_HASH=3efad
      - BOT_TOKEN=3945:Pd09m-p9
      - TZ=America/Santiago
      - ./config:/config
      - /mnt/user/download/torrent/telegram/bot:/download
      - 7676:5000


Configs (Envs)

Use docker-compose

docker-compose up -d


How to use step by step

First: enter the container

docker exec -it telegram-downloader sh

Second: create telegram credentials for use

Create Credenciales
docker exec -it telegram-download python create_config.py 

CLI usage

docker exec -it telegram-download python telegram.cli.py -h
docker exec -it telegram-download python telegram.cli.py --help 

docker exec -it telegram-download python telegram.cli.py -g traicionada_mega 
docker exec -it telegram-download python telegram.cli.py -g traicionada_mega -d

UI usage


Step by Step

  1. Create config

    docker exec -it telegram-download python create_config.py 

  2. Enter http://IP:Port

  1. Enter http://IP:Port/config

  1. Add Group Name download files

  1. Add "Regex download", "Regex rename" and "Folder download"

Click here to edit the regular expression options and the folder where the files will be downloaded


Regex download: "Regex download"

NOTE: regex to enable files to be downloaded (empty, enable all)

Regex rename: "/.(\d{2})./newname\1.mp4/"

NOTE: file renaming regex (empty, do not rename anything)

NOTE: Part one: /.(\d{2})./

NOTE: Second Part: /newname\1.mp4/

Download one at a time, one by one

The arrow turns green when the download is complete

Another example

Disable downloading of files containing the word "avance"

Downloads by terminal

docker exec -it telegram-download python telegram.cli.py -h
docker exec -it telegram-download python telegram.cli.py -g hastaencontrarte
docker exec -it telegram-download python telegram.cli.py -g hastaencontrarte -d