jsdc2014 / speaker

JSDC Speaker 2014
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自幹前端自動化測試,從一個Web Game說起 - 顏浚原 (jyyan.tw) #17

Open jyyan opened 10 years ago

jyyan commented 10 years ago

Topic: 自幹前端自動化測試,從一個Web Game說起 Email: jyyan.tw@gmail.com Outline: 自製一個UI自動化測試方案, 包含跨 borwser分頁的 Task Queue Manager. base on jquery.

clonn commented 10 years ago


poying commented 10 years ago

@jyyan 你好,我們已經開始在審核、安排議程了,不知道能不提供詳細一點的議題說明呢?

jyyan commented 10 years ago

Hello @poying , 議題說明:教你自制一個 bookmark script ,讓終端使用者能夠輕鬆載入協助你自動化測試。並透過ajax由 testing server (cross domain) 取得事先預備的隨機資料,模擬人工輸入並送出。(完整 sample code 於議程後將以 MIT Licence 發布)

Help you make a bookmark script for end user can loading and test the Web app for you easily. It will fetch the data which are prepared from testing server (cross domain) to simulating human input and submit. (the whole sample code will release with MIT Licence after conference)

ps. 抱歉,這幾天連續出差較忙導致較晚回覆您

poying commented 10 years ago

@jyyan 感謝你的回覆,我們之後會再以信件公布後續消息