jsfest / 2014-oakland-cfp

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SOLID programming principals applied to CSS #123

Open benschwarz opened 9 years ago

benschwarz commented 9 years ago

For years people have been saying CSS isn't a programming language — but they're wrong. CSS still lives and dies by the same rules as 'programming'. Code needs to be tested, easy to change and understand, efficient, and most importantly, it needs to work.

If we're going to think seriously about CSS, we need better tools, we need to enforce coding standards, we need our css to fail continuous integration builds, we need to keep our team honest and writing the best quality code that they can.

In this talk we'll take a look at building a grunt/gulp build system that'll lint your CSS, maintain coding standards with recess, fail CI builds when something isn't quite visually correct all while making sure that only the css prefixes that you actually need are used.

Once you start to dive into what is actually in your existing CSS — you'll be shocked and amazed, and you'll never look at CSS development again the same way.

There are many things we can learn from "real" programming, and its time that we put this tooling into commonplace toolchains.