jspahrsummers / libextobjc

A Cocoa library to extend the Objective-C programming language.
MIT License
4.53k stars 461 forks source link

The Extended Objective-C library extends the dynamism of the Objective-C programming language to support additional patterns present in other programming languages (including those that are not necessarily object-oriented).

libextobjc is meant to be very modular – most of its classes and modules can be used with no more than one or two dependencies.


libextobjc currently includes the following features:

The experimental branch contains additional features that may be interesting, but are not considered stable or safe for production use. Check out the headers for more information.

Running tests

To execute libextobjc's tests, first run git submodule update --init --recursive to bring in the xcconfigs submodule, then open the project file and choose the desired test target.

Adding to your project

If you want to add libextobjc as a dependency to an application, add the repository as a submodule, then include the source files you care about in your Xcode project.

If you want to add libextobjc as a dependency to a framework or library, prefer subtree merging, which will allow you to rename symbols to avoid conflicts, and make any tweaks you need to for your library.

To create a libextobjc subtree:

$ git remote add libextobjc https://github.com/jspahrsummers/libextobjc.git
$ git fetch libextobjc
$ git read-tree --prefix=External/ -u libextobjc/master
$ git reset

Rename any symbols or change whatever you want, git add the specific files that you want in your library, and then add them to your Xcode project.

To bring in upstream changes later:

$ git fetch -p libextobjc
$ git merge -Xsubtree=External/ libextobjc/master
$ git reset

Then, again, just add the changes you want.


Released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


libextobjc must be built with ARC enabled, and many of its macros require ARC in the calling files as well. MRR usage is not supported.