Open won5572 opened 5 years ago
This is added html snippets file.
{ "doctype": { "prefix": "doctype", "body": [ "<!DOCTYPE>", "$1" ], "description": "HTML - Defines the document type", "scope": "text.html" }, "a": { "prefix": "a", "body": "<a href=\"$1\">$2$3", "description": "HTML - Defines a hyperlink", "scope": "text.html" }, "abbr": { "prefix": "abbr", "body": "<abbr title=\"$1\">$2$3", "description": "HTML - Defines an abbreviation", "scope": "text.html" }, "address": { "prefix": "address", "body": [ "
This is added html snippets file.
{ "doctype": { "prefix": "doctype", "body": [ "<!DOCTYPE>", "$1" ], "description": "HTML - Defines the document type", "scope": "text.html" }, "a": { "prefix": "a", "body": "<a href=\"$1\">$2$3", "description": "HTML - Defines a hyperlink", "scope": "text.html" }, "abbr": { "prefix": "abbr", "body": "<abbr title=\"$1\">$2$3", "description": "HTML - Defines an abbreviation", "scope": "text.html" }, "address": { "prefix": "address", "body": [ "
", "$1", "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines an address element", "scope": "text.html" }, "area": { "prefix": "area", "body": "<area shape=\"$1\" coords=\"$2\" href=\"$3\" alt=\"$4\">$5", "description": "HTML - Defines an area inside an image map", "scope": "text.html" }, "article": { "prefix": "article", "body": [ "", "description": "HTML - Inserts a single line break", "scope": "text.html" }, "button": { "prefix": "button", "body": "<button type=\"$1\">$2$3", "description": "HTML - Defines a push button", "scope": "text.html" }, "canvas": { "prefix": "canvas", "body": "<canvas id=\"$1\">$2$3", "description": "HTML - Defines graphics", "scope": "text.html" }, "caption": { "prefix": "caption", "body": "
$2", "description": "HTML - Defines computer code text", "scope": "text.html" }, "col": { "prefix": "col", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines deleted text", "scope": "text.html" }, "details": { "prefix": "details", "body": [ "", "\t$1", "
" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a definition list", "scope": "text.html" }, "dt": { "prefix": "dt", "body": "$1
$2", "description": "HTML - Defines header 1", "scope": "text.html" }, "h2": { "prefix": "h2", "body": "$1
$2", "description": "HTML - Defines header 2", "scope": "text.html" }, "h3": { "prefix": "h3", "body": "$1
$2", "description": "HTML - Defines header 3", "scope": "text.html" }, "h4": { "prefix": "h4", "body": "$1
$2", "description": "HTML - Defines header 4", "scope": "text.html" }, "h5": { "prefix": "h5", "body": "$1
$2", "description": "HTML - Defines header 5", "scope": "text.html" }, "h6": { "prefix": "h6", "body": "$1
$2", "description": "HTML - Defines header 6", "scope": "text.html" }, "head": { "prefix": "head", "body": [ "", "\t$1", "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines information about the document", "scope": "text.html" }, "header": { "prefix": "header", "body": [ "", "description": "HTML - Defines a horizontal rule", "scope": "text.html" }, "html": { "prefix": "html", "body": [ "", "\t$1", "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines an html document", "scope": "text.html" }, "html5": { "prefix": "html5", "body": [ "<!DOCTYPE html>", "<html lang=\"$1en\">", "\t", "\t\t