jtjoo / vscode-classic-asp-extension

Classic ASP Language Support and some basical snippets from tmBundle
MIT License
26 stars 11 forks source link

I think we should add html snippets. #10

Open won5572 opened 5 years ago

won5572 commented 5 years ago

This is added html snippets file.

{ "doctype": { "prefix": "doctype", "body": [ "<!DOCTYPE>", "$1" ], "description": "HTML - Defines the document type", "scope": "text.html" }, "a": { "prefix": "a", "body": "<a href=\"$1\">$2$3", "description": "HTML - Defines a hyperlink", "scope": "text.html" }, "abbr": { "prefix": "abbr", "body": "<abbr title=\"$1\">$2$3", "description": "HTML - Defines an abbreviation", "scope": "text.html" }, "address": { "prefix": "address", "body": [ "

", "$1", "
" ], "description": "HTML - Defines an address element", "scope": "text.html" }, "area": { "prefix": "area", "body": "<area shape=\"$1\" coords=\"$2\" href=\"$3\" alt=\"$4\">$5", "description": "HTML - Defines an area inside an image map", "scope": "text.html" }, "article": { "prefix": "article", "body": [ "
", "\t$1", "
" ], "description": "HTML - Defines an article", "scope": "text.html" }, "aside": { "prefix": "aside", "body": [ "$2" ], "description": "HTML - Defines content aside from the page content", "scope": "text.html" }, "audio": { "prefix": "audio", "body": [ "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines sounds content", "scope": "text.html" }, "b": { "prefix": "b", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines bold text", "scope": "text.html" }, "base": { "prefix": "base", "body": "<base href=\"$1\" target=\"$2\">$3", "description": "HTML - Defines a base URL for all the links in a page", "scope": "text.html" }, "bdi": { "prefix": "bdi", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Used to isolate text that is of unknown directionality", "scope": "text.html" }, "bdo": { "prefix": "bdo", "body": [ "<bdo dir=\"$1\">", "$2", ""], "description": "HTML - Defines the direction of text display", "scope": "text.html" }, "big": { "prefix": "big", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Used to make text bigger", "scope": "text.html" }, "blockquote": { "prefix": "blockquote", "body": [ "<blockquote cite=\"$2\">", "\t$1", "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a long quotation", "scope": "text.html" }, "body": { "prefix": "body", "body": [ "", "\t$1", ""], "description": "HTML - Defines the body element", "scope": "text.html" }, "br": { "prefix": "br", "body": "
", "description": "HTML - Inserts a single line break", "scope": "text.html" }, "button": { "prefix": "button", "body": "<button type=\"$1\">$2$3", "description": "HTML - Defines a push button", "scope": "text.html" }, "canvas": { "prefix": "canvas", "body": "<canvas id=\"$1\">$2$3", "description": "HTML - Defines graphics", "scope": "text.html" }, "caption": { "prefix": "caption", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a table caption", "scope": "text.html" }, "cite": { "prefix": "cite", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a citation", "scope": "text.html" }, "code": { "prefix": "code", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines computer code text", "scope": "text.html" }, "col": { "prefix": "col", "body": "$2", "description": "HTML - Defines attributes for table columns", "scope": "text.html" }, "colgroup": { "prefix": "colgroup", "body": [ "", "\t$1", ""], "description": "HTML - Defines group of table columns", "scope": "text.html" }, "command": { "prefix": "command", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a command button [not supported]", "scope": "text.html" }, "datalist": { "prefix": "datalist", "body": [ "", "\t$1", "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a dropdown list", "scope": "text.html" }, "dd": { "prefix": "dd", "body": "
$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a definition description", "scope": "text.html" }, "del": { "prefix": "del", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines deleted text", "scope": "text.html" }, "details": { "prefix": "details", "body": [ "
", "\t$1", "
" ], "description": "HTML - Defines details of an element", "scope": "text.html" }, "dialog": { "prefix": "dialog", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a dialog (conversation)", "scope": "text.html" }, "dfn": { "prefix": "dfn", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a definition term", "scope": "text.html" }, "div": { "prefix": "div", "body": [ "
", "\t$1", "
" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a section in a document", "scope": "text.html" }, "dl": { "prefix": "dl", "body": [ "
", "\t$1", "
" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a definition list", "scope": "text.html" }, "dt": { "prefix": "dt", "body": "
$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a definition term", "scope": "text.html" }, "em": { "prefix": "em", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines emphasized text", "scope": "text.html" }, "embed": { "prefix": "embed", "body": "<embed src=\"$1\">$2", "description": "HTML - Defines external interactive content ot plugin", "scope": "text.html" }, "fieldset": { "prefix": "fieldset", "body": [ "
", "\t$1", "
"], "description": "HTML - Defines a fieldset", "scope": "text.html" }, "figcaption": { "prefix": "figcaption", "body": "
$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a caption for a figure", "scope": "text.html" }, "figure": { "prefix": "figure", "body": [ "
", "\t$1", "
" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a group of media content, and their caption", "scope": "text.html" }, "footer": { "prefix": "footer", "body": [ "
", "\t$1", "
" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a footer for a section or page", "scope": "text.html" }, "form": { "prefix": "form", "body": [ "
", "\t$1", "
" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a form", "scope": "text.html" }, "h1": { "prefix": "h1", "body": "


$2", "description": "HTML - Defines header 1", "scope": "text.html" }, "h2": { "prefix": "h2", "body": "


$2", "description": "HTML - Defines header 2", "scope": "text.html" }, "h3": { "prefix": "h3", "body": "


$2", "description": "HTML - Defines header 3", "scope": "text.html" }, "h4": { "prefix": "h4", "body": "


$2", "description": "HTML - Defines header 4", "scope": "text.html" }, "h5": { "prefix": "h5", "body": "
$2", "description": "HTML - Defines header 5", "scope": "text.html" }, "h6": { "prefix": "h6", "body": "
$2", "description": "HTML - Defines header 6", "scope": "text.html" }, "head": { "prefix": "head", "body": [ "", "\t$1", "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines information about the document", "scope": "text.html" }, "header": { "prefix": "header", "body": [ "
", "\t$1", "
" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a header for a section of page", "scope": "text.html" }, "hgroup": { "prefix": "hgroup", "body": [ "
", "\t$1", "
" ], "description": "HTML - Defines information about a section in a document", "scope": "text.html" }, "hr": { "prefix": "hr", "body": "
", "description": "HTML - Defines a horizontal rule", "scope": "text.html" }, "html": { "prefix": "html", "body": [ "", "\t$1", "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines an html document", "scope": "text.html" }, "html5": { "prefix": "html5", "body": [ "<!DOCTYPE html>", "<html lang=\"$1en\">", "\t", "\t\t$2", "\t\t<meta charset=\"UTF-8\">", "\t\t<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\">", "\t\t<link href=\"$3css/style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\">", "\t", "\t", "\t$4", "\t", "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a template for a html5 document", "scope": "text.html" }, "i": { "prefix": "i", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines italic text", "scope": "text.html" }, "iframe": { "prefix": "iframe", "body": "<iframe src=\"$1\">$2$3", "description": "HTML - Defines an inline sub window", "scope": "text.html" }, "img": { "prefix": "img", "body": "<img src=\"$1\" alt=\"$2\">$3", "description": "HTML - Defines an image", "scope": "text.html" }, "input": { "prefix": "input", "body": "<input type=\"$1\" name=\"$2\" value=\"$3\">$4", "description": "HTML - Defines an input field", "scope": "text.html" }, "ins": { "prefix": "ins", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines inserted text", "scope": "text.html" }, "keygen": { "prefix": "keygen", "body": "<keygen name=\"$1\">$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a generated key in a form", "scope": "text.html" }, "kbd": { "prefix": "kbd", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines keyboard text", "scope": "text.html" }, "label": { "prefix": "label", "body": "<label for=\"$1\">$2$3", "description": "HTML - Defines an inline window", "scope": "text.html" }, "legend": { "prefix": "legend", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a title in a fieldset", "scope": "text.html" }, "li": { "prefix": "li", "body": "
  • $1
  • $2", "description": "HTML - Defines a list item", "scope": "text.html" }, "link": { "prefix": "link", "body": "<link rel=\"$1\" type=\"$2\" href=\"$3\">$4", "description": "HTML - Defines a resource reference", "scope": "text.html" }, "main": { "prefix": "main", "body": [ "
    ", "\t$1", "
    " ], "description": "HTML - Defines an image map", "scope": "text.html" }, "map": { "prefix": "map", "body": [ "<map name=\"$1\">", "\t$2", ""], "description": "HTML - Defines an image map", "scope": "text.html" }, "mark": { "prefix": "mark", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines marked text", "scope": "text.html" }, "menu": { "prefix": "menu", "body": [ "", "\t$1", "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a menu list", "scope": "text.html" }, "menuitem": { "prefix": "menuitem", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a menu item [firefox only]", "scope": "text.html" }, "meta": { "prefix": "meta", "body": "<meta name=\"$1\" content=\"$2\">$3", "description": "HTML - Defines meta information", "scope": "text.html" }, "meter": { "prefix": "meter", "body": "<meter value=\"$1\">$2$3", "description": "HTML - Defines measurement within a predefined range", "scope": "text.html" }, "nav": { "prefix": "nav", "body": [ "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines navigation links", "scope": "text.html" }, "noscript": { "prefix": "noscript", "body": [ "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a noscript section", "scope": "text.html" }, "object": { "prefix": "object", "body": "<object width=\"$1\" height=\"$2\" data=\"$3\">$4$5", "description": "HTML - Defines an embedded object", "scope": "text.html" }, "ol": { "prefix": "ol", "body": [ "
      ", "\t$1", "
    " ], "description": "HTML - Defines an ordered list", "scope": "text.html" }, "optgroup": { "prefix": "optgroup", "body": [ "", "\t$1", "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines an option group", "scope": "text.html" }, "option": { "prefix": "option", "body": "<option value=\"$1\">$2$3", "description": "HTML - Defines an option in a drop-down list", "scope": "text.html" }, "output": { "prefix": "output", "body": "<output name=\"$1\" for=\"$2\">$3$4", "description": "HTML - Defines some types of output", "scope": "text.html" }, "p": { "prefix": "p", "body": "


    $2", "description": "HTML - Defines a paragraph", "scope": "text.html" }, "param": { "prefix": "param", "body": "<param name=\"$1\" value=\"$2\">$3", "description": "HTML - Defines a parameter for an object", "scope": "text.html" }, "pre": { "prefix": "pre", "body": [ "
    " ], "description": "HTML - Defines preformatted text", "scope": "text.html" }, "progress": { "prefix": "progress", "body": "<progress value=\"$1\" max=\"$2\">$3$4", "description": "HTML - Defines progress of a task of any kind", "scope": "text.html" }, "q": { "prefix": "q", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a short quotation", "scope": "text.html" }, "rp": { "prefix": "rp", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Used in ruby annotations to define what to show browsers that do not support the ruby element", "scope": "text.html" }, "rt": { "prefix": "rt", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines explanation to ruby annotations", "scope": "text.html" }, "ruby": { "prefix": "ruby", "body": [ "", "$1", "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines ruby annotations", "scope": "text.html" }, "s": { "prefix": "s", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Used to define strikethrough text", "scope": "text.html" }, "samp": { "prefix": "samp", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines sample computer code", "scope": "text.html" }, "script": { "prefix": "script", "body": [ "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a script", "scope": "text.html" }, "section": { "prefix": "section", "body": [ "
    ", "\t$1", "
    " ], "description": "HTML - Defines a section", "scope": "text.html" }, "select": { "prefix": "select", "body": [ "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a selectable list", "scope": "text.html" }, "small": { "prefix": "small", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines small text", "scope": "text.html" }, "source": { "prefix": "source", "body": "<source src=\"$1\" type=\"$2\">$3", "description": "HTML - Defines media resource", "scope": "text.html" }, "span": { "prefix": "span", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a section in a document", "scope": "text.html" }, "strong": { "prefix": "strong", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines strong text", "scope": "text.html" }, "style": { "prefix": "style", "body": [ "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a style definition", "scope": "text.html" }, "sub": { "prefix": "sub", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines sub-scripted text", "scope": "text.html" }, "sup": { "prefix": "sup", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines super-scripted text", "scope": "text.html" }, "summary": { "prefix": "summary", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a visible heading for the detail element [limited support]", "scope": "text.html" }, "table": { "prefix": "table", "body": [ "", "\t$1", "
    " ], "description": "HTML - Defines a table", "scope": "text.html" }, "tbody": { "prefix": "tbody", "body": [ "", "\t$1", "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a table body", "scope": "text.html" }, "td": { "prefix": "td", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a table cell", "scope": "text.html" }, "textarea": { "prefix": "textarea", "body": "<textarea rows=\"$1\" cols=\"$2\">$3$4", "description": "HTML - Defines a text area", "scope": "text.html" }, "tfoot": { "prefix": "tfoot", "body": [ "", "\t$1", "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a table footer", "scope": "text.html" }, "thead": { "prefix": "thead", "body": [ "", "$1", "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines a table head", "scope": "text.html" }, "th": { "prefix": "th", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a table header", "scope": "text.html" }, "time": { "prefix": "time", "body": "<time datetime=\"$1\">$2$3", "description": "HTML - Defines a date/time", "scope": "text.html" }, "title": { "prefix": "title", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines the document title", "scope": "text.html" }, "tr": { "prefix": "tr", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a table row", "scope": "text.html" }, "track": { "prefix": "track", "body": "<track src=\"$1\" kind=\"$2\" srclang=\"$3\" label=\"$4\">$5", "description": "HTML - Defines a table row", "scope": "text.html" }, "u": { "prefix": "u", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Used to define underlined text", "scope": "text.html" }, "ul": { "prefix": "ul", "body": [ "" ], "description": "HTML - Defines an unordered list", "scope": "text.html" }, "var": { "prefix": "var", "body": "$1$2", "description": "HTML - Defines a variable", "scope": "text.html" }, "video": { "prefix": "video", "body": [ "<video width=\"$1\" height=\"$2\" controls>", "\t$3", ""], "description": "HTML - Defines a video", "scope": "text.html" }

    "output": {
        "body": "<%=$0%>",
        "name": "<%= %>",
        "prefix": "out"
    "for...Next": {
        "body": "For $1 To $2 ${3:Step}\n\t${4:' body}\nNext",
        "name": "For \u2026 in \u2026 Next",
        "prefix": "for"
    "for...in": {
        "body": "For $1 in $2\n\t${3:' body}\nNext",
        "name": "For \u2026 in \u2026 Next",
        "prefix": "forin"
    "if-else": {
        "body": "If ${1:condition} Then\n\t${2:' true}\nElse\n\t${3:' false}\nEnd if",
        "name": "If \u2026 End if",
        "prefix": "if"
    "while": {
        "body": "While ${1:condition}\n\t${2:' body}\nLoop",
        "name": "While \u2026 Loop",
        "prefix": "while"
    "do-while loop": {
        "body": "Do While ${1:condition}\n\t${2:' body}\nLoop",
        "name": "Do While \u2026 Loop",
        "prefix": "dowhile"
    "do-until loop": {
        "body": "Do Until ${1:condition}\n\t${2:' body}\nLoop",
        "name": "Do Until \u2026 Loop",
        "prefix": "dountil"
    "select case": {
        "body": "Select Case ${1:variable}\n\tCase ${2:condition}:\n\t\t${3:' Do Something}\nEnd Select",
        "name": "Select Case",
        "prefix": "sel"
    "case": {
        "body": "Case ${2:condition}:\n\t${3:' Do Something}",
        "name": "Case",
        "prefix": "case"
    "sub routine": {
        "body": "Sub ${1:name}\n\t${2:' Do Something...}\nEnd Sub",
        "name": "Sub Routine",
        "prefix": "sub"
    "function": {
        "body": "${1|Public,Private|} Function ${2:name}\n\t${3:' Do Something...}\nEnd Function",
        "name": "Function",
        "prefix": "fun"
    "include": {
        "body": "<!--#include ${1:file,virtual}=\"${2:filePath}\"-->",
        "name": "Include",
        "prefix": "inc"
    "Request": {
        "body": "Request",
        "name": "Request",
        "prefix": "req"
    "Request.Form": {
        "body": "Request.Form(\"${1:field}\")",
        "name": "Request.Form(\"\u2026\")",
        "prefix": "reqf"
    "Request.QueryString": {
        "body": "Request.QueryString(\"${1:name}\")",
        "name": "Request.QueryString",
        "prefix": "qs"
    "Response": {
        "body": "Response",
        "name": "Response",
        "prefix": "res"
    "Request.Write": {
        "body": "Response.Write ",
        "name": "Response.Write",
        "prefix": "wr"
    "Request.Redirect": {
        "body": "Response.Redirect(${1:to})",
        "name": "Response.Redirect",
        "prefix": "ri"
    "Cookie Variables": {
        "body": "Response.Cookie(\"${1:whatever}\")",
        "name": "Cookie(\"\u2026\")",
        "prefix": "cook"
    "Application Variables": {
        "body": "Application(\"$1\")",
        "name": "Application(\"\u2026\")",
        "prefix": "app"
    "Session Variables": {
        "body": "Session(\"${1:whatever}\")",
        "name": "Session(\"\u2026\")",
        "prefix": "sess"
    "Create Object": {
        "body": "Server.CreateObject(\"${1:whatever}\")",
        "name": "CreateObject\"\u2026\"",
        "prefix": "obj"
    "Set Database Connection": {
        "body": "Set ${1:Db} = Server.CreateObject(\"ADODB.Connection\")\n${2:Conn} = \"${3:Connection_String}\"\n${1}.Open ${2}\n${4}\n${2}.Close\n${5}",
        "name": "Set DB Connection\"\u2026\"",
        "prefix": "dbcon"
    "Set RecordSet": {
        "body": "Set ${1:Rs} = Server.CreateObject(\"ADODB.RecordSet\")\n${2:SQL} = \"${3:SQL_QUERY}\"\n${1}.Open ${2}, ${4:Db}\n${5}\n${1}.Close\n${6}",
        "name": "Set DB Connection\"\u2026\"",
        "prefix": "rs"
    "Class": {
        "body": "Class ${1:ClassName}\n\n\t${2:' Add some properties or methods!}\n\nEnd Class\n${3}",
        "name": "Set Class",
        "prefix": "class"
    "remark START": {
        "body": "<!--  START -->",
        "name": "remark START",
        "prefix": "cms"
    "remark END": {
        "body": "<!--  END -->",
        "name": "remark END",
        "prefix": "cme"


    jtjoo commented 5 years ago

    You wrote that code? Then can you test it and fork and pull request? I will pull it and check it out. Thank you.

    jtjoo commented 5 years ago

    I think it should be tested before you give me that code if you are not sure. Because HTML extension is already included on syntax scheme since it had been tmBundle. But I haven't seen it working even on other editors. It would be harder challenge.

    jtjoo commented 5 years ago

    And... the code you wrote here is broken because of Markdown syntax. I need raw code. So you need to provide that code via pull request or other method that is possible to be raw.

    jtjoo commented 5 years ago

    그러고보니 한국분이시네요. ㅎㅎ 여기에 코드를 직접 쓰시면 마크다운 때문에 코드가 깨지니 pull request로 주시거나 파일로 보내주세요. 그리고 가능하시면 테스트 해보시고 주시면 좋겠어요. html 지원은 원래 tmBundle일 때부터 포함되어있었는데 예전에도 작동이 안됐었거든요.

    jtjoo commented 5 years ago

    그나저나 아이디어주셔서 감사합니다. 시간의 여의치 않으시면 제가 추가해보도록 노력해볼게요 ^^