juanpabloaj / platon

Slideshow from markdown
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Live preview in a iframe #5

Closed kevinsimper closed 1 year ago

kevinsimper commented 8 years ago

I think there should be a way to have livepreview in a iframe next to, this will make it a awesome quick markdown presentation tool, just like jsbin/jsfiddle is for quick prototypes.

juanpabloaj commented 8 years ago

Is a great idea @kevinsimper , but what is the best option? one iframe with one slide preview or a slide list ?

iframe vs slide list

kevinsimper commented 8 years ago

That looks awesome! :dancers: That would be so awesome! It will be like creating a slideshow in Keynote or Google Slides but not actually be a fucking nightmare! :smile:

juanpabloaj commented 8 years ago

ok, now have the iframe, thanks @kevinsimper

kevinsimper commented 8 years ago

It needs to be full height :P and you should trigger print mode so it is just a long list instead of showing one slide a time

juanpabloaj commented 8 years ago

how I can activate the print mode in a iframe ?

kevinsimper commented 8 years ago

I see know, other libraries has a way to trigger print layout in the url like ?preview, so Remark would have to be modified a little bit, but the print code is here https://github.com/gnab/remark/blob/e220ee1b4278819b0cb8be02c5cc7cbc7e8f8638/src/remark/components/printing/printing.js