juhasch / pyBusPirateLite

Python library for BusPirate
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ProtocolError: Could not set IC2 speed #13

Open averri opened 6 years ago

averri commented 6 years ago

The following code (Python 3):

from pyBusPirateLite.SPI  import *
i2c = I2C(portname='COM8', speed=115200)
i2c.pins = PIN_POWER | PIN_CS 
i2c.speed = '400kHz'

... leads to the following error:

ProtocolError                             Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-74521de54adf> in <module>()
      1 i2c.pins = PIN_POWER | PIN_CS
----> 2 i2c.speed = '400kHz'

D:\python\pyBusPirateLite\pyBusPirateLite\I2C.py in speed(self, frequency)
    221         if self.response(1, True) != 0x01:
--> 222             raise ProtocolError('Could not set IC2 speed')
    223         self.i2c_speed = frequency

ProtocolError: Could not set IC2 speed