junegunn / fzf

:cherry_blossom: A command-line fuzzy finder
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Fixing some bash keybindings and adding equivalent commands. #2477

Closed SciPhys closed 3 years ago

SciPhys commented 3 years ago


Problem / Steps to reproduce

I have these shortcuts, here, in my 'fzf.bash' file and source ~/fzf.bash in my bashrc. There are derived from this gist. The issue is that any selection, single or multiple, doesn't give the full path. For e g. instead of '/home/username/Documents' it gives 'me/username/Documents'. So,

  1. How can I solve this?
  2. (This might be off-topic) How can I change the keybindings to a command? I think it's better to have not too many keybindings or equivalent commands incase the bindings are forgotten. i tried to give an alias but it didn't work.
  3. The shortcuts are mainly used for copying, mv or rm files or directories and I find them very convenient. So, if there are any alternate solutions, I would be happy to know that too.
rayiik commented 3 years ago

hey so the issue resides in your cut -c4- command remove it and it seems to work fine printing the whole line, for changing the bindings

if [[ $- =~ i ]]; then
  bind '"\er": redraw-current-line'
  bind '"\C-g\C-g": "$(sdf)\e\C-e\er"'
  bind '"\C-g\C-f": "$(sff)\e\C-e\er"'

the '"\C-g\C-g": and '"\C-g\C-f" control g+control-g can be changed to what ever you want \eg (alt g) \ea (alt a) \e\C-n (alt control n) \e\C-Y (control alt shift y) hope those examples give you a bit of a feel for the the lettering if its capital it gets shit \C- (control) \e (alt) check out this article https://www.computerhope.com/unix/bash/bind.htm its very straightforward explanation that might help.

SciPhys commented 3 years ago

Thanks! This was exactly the solution I was looking for. Maybe add to the user bash example list?

Also, can we make an equivalent command for the binding with the 'redraw-line' and stuff? This is incase there's conflicting keybindings and want to use command instead. Thank you.

rayiik commented 3 years ago

Hmm not 100% sure what you mean on that but you can change the keybindings on redraw line any of the readline functions, either in your bashrc or ~/.inputrc (though the format is different if your doing inputrc) ill add more later gfs waiting with an impatient look x)

SciPhys commented 3 years ago

Yeah but I couldn't get it to work. I am now using the default fzf keybindings from 'key-bindings.bash'. with fd changing the find command. Here's the code for anyone interested.

#Get multiple directories from anywhere with ALT-f

sdf() {
  fdfind --type d --color=never --hidden --follow --exclude .git . $HOME |
  fzf -m --preview 'tree -C {} | head -100' --bind 'ctrl-space:toggle-preview' --height=80% --layout=reverse "$@" | while read -r item; do 
        printf '%q ' "$item"

sdfw() {
  local selected="$(sdf)"
  READLINE_POINT=$(( READLINE_POINT + ${#selected} ))

bind -m emacs-standard -x '"\ef": sdfw'
bind -m vi-command -x '"\ef": sdfw'
bind -m vi-insert -x '"\ef": sdfw'

(debian has fd as fdfind)

rayiik commented 3 years ago

hmm this doesnt work at all or me. so first thing you dont need to --exclude .git fd respects gitignore by defaultyou should quote your "$HOME" path to prevent word splitting not sure why there's a "$@" at the end of your fzf command as your receiving input from the pipe and your not filtering using query or redirecting it so whatever gets produced i cant tell, but this just gives me a fdfind error when run so not really sure why though at the moment ill look into it but let me know if its working for you as i can then see if its just my set up/ conflict

rayiik commented 3 years ago
#          FILE: test2.sh
#         USAGE: ./test2.sh
#       OPTIONS: ---
#          BUGS: ---
#         NOTES: ---
#        AUTHOR: Rayiik (), dsimon_aas@hotmail.com
#       CREATED: 08/01/2020 07:31:38 PM
#      REVISION:  ---
# taken from bash completion not currently implamented as fztrim below produces
# better results (short and long options)
    eval printf %s "$1" 2>/dev/null
    local quoted=${1//\'/\'\\\'\'}
    printf "'%s'" "$quoted"
    eval local cmd="$(quote "$_tvar")"
    local line
        case $cmd in
            -) cat ;;
            *) LC_ALL=C "$(dequote "$cmd")" ${2:---help} 2>&1 ;;
    } |
        while read -r line; do

            [[ $line == *([[:blank:]])-* ]] || continue
            # transform "-f FOO, --foo=FOO" to "-f , --foo=FOO" etc
            while [[ $line =~ \
                ((^|[^-])-[A-Za-z0-9?][[:space:]]+)\[?[A-Z0-9]+([,_-]+[A-Z0-9]+)?(\.\.+)?\]? ]]; do
            __parse_options "${line// or /, }"

    local option option2 i IFS=$' \t\n,/|'

    # Take first found long option, or first one (short) if not found.
    local -a array=($1)
    for i in "${array[@]}"; do
        case "$i" in
            ---*) break ;;
            -?*) [[ $option ]] || option=$i ;;
            *) break ;;
    [[ $option ]] || return 0

    IFS=$' \t\n' # affects parsing of the regexps below...

    # Expand --[no]foo to --foo and --nofoo etc
    if [[ $option =~ (\[((no|dont)-?)\]). ]]; then
        printf '%s\n' "${option2/=*/=}"

    printf '%s\n' "${option/=*/=}"

_fline () {
  printf "%"${FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS}"s" " "  | tr " " "-"
# this sets function sets our realine variable
_varset () {
_tvar="$(awk -F ' ' '{print $NF}' <<<"$READLINE_LINE")"
_endline="$(awk -F ' ' '{print $1}' <<<"$READLINE_LINE")"
export _endline
export _rlvar
export _tvar
# this function trims out put to flags starting with -/-- but is better for
# fzf
rgt () {
rg --ignore-case \
-e '^-[-a-zA-Z0-9]*' \
-e '[ \s\t]-[-a-zA-Z0-9]*' \
-e '^-[-a-zA-Z][0-9a-z]*' \
-e '^-[a-zA-Z].' \
-e '\s-[a-zA-Z].' \
--only-matching \
--no-filename | \
sort -u | \
sed -e 's/^--$//' | \
sed -e 's/^-$//' | \
sed -e 's/,//'
# this function pulls removes any word not starting with -
_fztrim() {
 local _trimvar
  { moreman "$_trimvar";"$_trimvar" --help; } | \
rg --ignore-case \
-e '^-[-a-zA-Z0-9]*' \
-e '[ \s\t]-[-a-zA-Z0-9]*' \
-e '^-[-a-zA-Z][0-9a-z]*' \
-e '^-[a-zA-Z].' \
-e '\s-[a-zA-Z].' \
--only-matching \
--no-filename | \
sort -u | \
sed -e 's/^--$//' | \
sed -e 's/^-$//' | \
sed -e 's/,//'
# this is a main body script function that parses readline and uses commands
# from bash-completion to generate results
run-help () {
_varset "$@"
_choice=$(rh_com "$_rlvar")
READLINE_LINE="$READLINE_LINE $(tr '\n' ' ' <<<"${_choice#*$'\t'}")"
if [[ -n "$READLINE_LINE" ]]; then
  print '%s '"$READLINE_LINE" | \
    tr \\n \\s;
   READLINE_POINT=0x7fffffff; else
# this is a sub command of run-help that calls the completion functions
# to the fzf script

rh_com () {
#  _varset
 _fztrim "$_tvar" | _fzcom
#_parse-help swaps with _fztrim (still in testin)
# unused for now
#_fzf_args() {
#  _varset
#  local selected=$(_fini)
#  READLINE_POINT=$(( READLINE_POINT + ${#selected} ))
#  fcomclean
# this command populates a list with commands from $PATH
__coms_select__() {
  local cmd="command __com1"
  eval "$cmd" | \
    sort -u | \
    $(__fzfcmd) \
    -m --preview="rgt <<<\$(moreman {})" | \
  while read -r item; do
    printf '%q ' "$item"

#  filters commands down to just name
cmmd () {
    "_coms_" | \
        awk '{print $1}' | \
        sort -u | \
    rg --no-filename "$_tvar"
# currently unused but will be a switch between phony fzf searching preview
# from {q} and regular searching
#  _flgswap () {
#    if [[ "$_flag_" == ' phony' ]]; then
#      _flag_="sync"; elif
#  [[ "$_flag_" ==  'phony' ]]; then
#      _flag_='phony'
#    fi
#    export _flag_
#    cmmd
#  }
# alt o c fzf commnad
__fzfcmd() {
  [ -n "$TMUX_PANE" ] && { [ "${FZF_TMUX:-0}" != 0 ] || [ -n "$FZF_TMUX_OPTS" ]; } &&
    echo "fzf-tmux ${FZF_TMUX_OPTS:--d${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:100%}}
      --preview='moreman {}' -- " || echo "fzf"
#core fzf command
_cmf (){
fzf \
  --ansi \
  --preview-window=right:65:wrap \
  --height=100% \
  --info=default \
  --bind='ctrl-a:preview-page-up' \
  --bind='ctrl-s:preview-page-down' \
  --bind='ctrl-u:half-page-up+refresh-preview' \
  --bind='ctrl-d:half-page-down+refresh-preview' \
  --bind='alt-u:page-up+refresh-preview' \
  --bind='alt-h:backward-char+refresh-preview' \
  --bind='alt-l:forward-char+refresh-preview' \
  --bind='alt-d:page-down+refresh-preview' \
  --bind="alt-1:execute(printf {})+refresh-preview" \
  --bind="alt-2:toggle+replace-query" \
  --bind="alt-3:execute(print {q})+refresh-preview" \
  --bind="alt-h:preview(moreman $_tvar)" \
  --bind="f8:preview:moreman $_tvar | rgt" \
  --bind="f9:preview:man $_tvar | rg {}"\
    --bind="ctrl-h:execute:moreman $_tvar" \
  --layout=default \
    --preview="moreman {} | rg --no-filename --passthru -e '-[a-zA-Z0-9]*'" \
#cleans variales after execution
fcomclean () {
unset _iniquery
unset _tvar
unset _rlvar
unset dir
unset _fvar
unset _flag_
unset file
unset Fvar
unset selected
# calls commands and pipes them to fzf
_fini () {
cmmd | rg "$_tvar" | _cmf

# prints line after seletion
fzf-coms-widget() {
  local selected
  selected="$(__coms_select__ "$@")"
  READLINE_POINT=$(( READLINE_POINT + ${#selected} ))
#another version the fzf-coms-widget
fini__ () {
_choice=$(_fini "$_rlvar")
if [[ -n "$_choice" ]];
            unset READLINE_LINE;
            READLINE_POINT=$(( READLINE_POINT + ${#_choice} ))
READLINE_LINE="$(echo -E "${_choice#*$' '}")"

if [[ -n "$READLINE_LINE" ]]; then
  echo -E "$READLINE_LINE" && \
  READLINIE_POINT=$(( READLINE_POINT + ${_choice} )); else
# not finished but populates commands based on path and on whats currently in
# readline
bind -m vi-insert -x '"\ee":fini__'
bind -m emacs -x '"\ee":fini__'
#Displays flags and prints them to command line but doesnt execute
bind -m vi-insert -x '"\eo":run-help'
bind -m emacs -x '"\eo":run-help'
# mimics the zsh help fucntion pressing ctrl h opens manpage of word under
# cursor
zsh-help() {
help "$READLINE_LINE" 2>/dev/null || moreman "$READLINE_LINE"; }
bind -m vi-insert -x '"\e\C-h": zsh-help'
bind -m emacs -x     '"\e\C-h": zsh-help'

# prints commands in path and prints the to command line without executing
  bind -m emacs-standard -x '"\C-e": fzf-coms-widget '
  bind -m vi-command -x '"\C-e": fzf-coms-widget '
  bind -m vi-insert -x '"\C-e": fzf-coms-widget '

_fzcom () {
  fzf  \
      --ansi \
      --preview="{ echo $_rlvar '{+}' 2>/dev/null; fline;  \
      tput sgr0; cat <({} --help 2>/dev/null)  <(moreman $_tvar 2>/dev/null) | \
      rg -C6  -e {} | \
      rg  --no-filename \
      -C4  --no-line-number \
      -e {+} -e {} 2>/dev/null; } " \
  --preview-window=right:65:wrap \
  --info=default \
  --bind='ctrl-a:preview-page-up' \
  --bind='ctrl-s:preview-page-down' \
  --bind='ctrl-u:half-page-up+refresh-preview' \
  --bind='ctrl-d:half-page-down+refresh-preview' \
  --bind='alt-u:page-up+refresh-preview' \
  --bind='alt-h:backward-char+refresh-preview' \
  --bind='alt-l:forward-char+refresh-preview' \
  --bind='alt-d:page-down+refresh-preview' \
  --bind="alt-1:execute(printf {})+refresh-preview" \
  --bind="alt-2:toggle+replace-query" \
  --bind="alt-3:execute(printf {q})+refresh-preview" \
  --bind="alt-h:preview(moreman $_tvar)" \
  --bind="alt-n:preview:'moreman {} | rg {q} -C4  \
          --passthru --no-filename'" \
  --no-clear \
  --bind="f9:preview:'moreman {} | rg {q} -C4 --no-filename \
# this function creats a line to seperate imput based on screen width
_fline () {
  printf "%"${FZF_PREVIEW_COLUMNS}"s" " "  | tr " " "-"

# this function trims out put to flags starting with -/-- but is better for
# fzf
rgt () {
rg --ignore-case \
-e '^-[-a-zA-Z0-9]*' \
-e '[ \s\t]-[-a-zA-Z0-9]*' \
-e '^-[-a-zA-Z][0-9a-z]*' \
-e '^-[a-zA-Z].' \
-e '\s-[a-zA-Z].' \
--only-matching \
--no-filename | \
sort -u | \
sed -e 's/^--$//' | \
sed -e 's/^-$//' | \
sed -e 's/,//'
# this function pulls removes any word not starting with -
_fztrim() {
 local _trimvar
  { moreman "$_trimvar";"$_trimvar" --help; } | \
rg --ignore-case \
-e '^-[-a-zA-Z0-9]*' \
-e '[ \s\t]-[-a-zA-Z0-9]*' \
-e '^-[-a-zA-Z][0-9a-z]*' \
-e '^-[a-zA-Z].' \
-e '\s-[a-zA-Z].' \
--only-matching \
--no-filename | \
sort -u | \
sed -e 's/^--$//' | \
sed -e 's/^-$//' | \
sed -e 's/,//'
# this is a main body script function that parses readline and uses commands
# from bash-completion to generate results
run-help () {
_varset "$@"
_choice=$(rh_com "$_rlvar")
READLINE_LINE="$READLINE_LINE $(tr '\n' ' ' <<<"${_choice#*$'\t'}")"
if [[ -n "$READLINE_LINE" ]]; then
  print '%s '"$READLINE_LINE" | \
    tr \\n \\s;
   READLINE_POINT=0x7fffffff; else
# this is a sub command of run-help that calls the completion functions
# to the fzf script

rh_com () {
#  _varset
 _fztrim "$_tvar" | _fzcom
#_parse-help swaps with _fztrim (still in testin)
# unused for now
#_fzf_args() {
#  _varset
#  local selected=$(_fini)
#  READLINE_POINT=$(( READLINE_POINT + ${#selected} ))
#  fcomclean
# this command populates a list with commands from $PATH
__coms_select__() {
  local cmd="command __com1"
  eval "$cmd" | \
    sort -u | \
    $(__fzfcmd) \
    -m --preview="rgt <<<\$(moreman {})" | \
  while read -r item; do
    printf '%q ' "$item"
# the core commands generator
_coms_ () {
case "$PATH" in
  (*[!:]:) PATH="$PATH:" ;;

set -f; IFS=:
for dir in $PATH; do
  set +f
  [ -z "$dir" ] && dir="."
  for file in "$dir"/*; do
    if [ -x "$file" ] && ! [ -d "$file" ]; then
        printf '%s = %s\n' "${file##*/}" "$file"
# currently unused but will be a switch between phony fzf searching preview
# from {q} and regular searching
#  _flgswap () {
#    if [[ "$_flag_" == ' phony' ]]; then
#      _flag_="sync"; elif
#  [[ "$_flag_" ==  'phony' ]]; then
#      _flag_='phony'
#    fi
#    export _flag_
#    cmmd
#  }

#core fzf command
_cmf (){
fzf \
  --ansi \
  --preview-window=right:65:wrap \
  --height=100% \
  --info=default \
  --bind='ctrl-a:preview-page-up' \
  --bind='ctrl-s:preview-page-down' \
  --bind='ctrl-u:half-page-up+refresh-preview' \
  --bind='ctrl-d:half-page-down+refresh-preview' \
  --bind='alt-u:page-up+refresh-preview' \
  --bind='alt-h:backward-char+refresh-preview' \
  --bind='alt-l:forward-char+refresh-preview' \
  --bind='alt-d:page-down+refresh-preview' \
  --bind="alt-h:preview(moreman $_tvar)" \
  --bind="ctrl-h:execute:moreman $_tvar" \
  --layout=default \
    --preview="moreman {} | rg --no-filename --passthru -e '-[a-zA-Z0-9]*'"

#cleans variales after execution
fcomclean () {
unset _iniquery
unset _tvar
unset _rlvar
unset dir
unset _fvar
unset _flag_
unset file
unset Fvar
unset selected
# calls commands and pipes them to fzf
_fini () {
cmmd | rg "$_tvar" | _cmf

# prints line after seletion
fzf-coms-widget() {
  local selected
  selected="$(__coms_select__ "$@")"
  READLINE_POINT=$(( READLINE_POINT + ${#selected} ))
#another version the fzf-coms-widget
fini__ () {
_choice=$(_fini "$_rlvar")
if [[ -n "$_choice" ]];
            unset READLINE_LINE;
            READLINE_POINT=$(( READLINE_POINT + ${#_choice} ))
READLINE_LINE="$(echo -E "${_choice#*$' '}")"

if [[ -n "$READLINE_LINE" ]]; then
  echo -E "$READLINE_LINE" && \
  READLINIE_POINT=$(( READLINE_POINT + ${_choice} )); else
# not finished but populates commands based on path and on whats currently in
# readline
bind -m vi-insert -x '"\ee":fini__'
bind -m emacs -x '"\ee":fini__'
#Displays flags and prints them to command line but doesnt execute
bind -m vi-insert -x '"\eo":run-help'
bind -m emacs -x '"\eo":run-help'
# mimics the zsh help fucntion pressing ctrl h opens manpage of word under
# cursor
zsh-help() {
help "$READLINE_LINE" 2>/dev/null || moreman "$READLINE_LINE"; }
bind -m vi-insert -x '"\e\C-h": zsh-help'
bind -m emacs -x     '"\e\C-h": zsh-help'

# prints commands in path and prints the to command line without executing
  bind -m emacs-standard -x '"\C-e": fzf-coms-widget '
  bind -m vi-command -x '"\C-e": fzf-coms-widget '
  bind -m vi-insert -x '"\C-e": fzf-coms-widget '

this is my custom file hacked together with my work and peices drawn from other works as well maybe you can get some ideals here too :)

SciPhys commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your custom commands! Looks really resourceful. And also my command should usually work for you provided the following : 1) Using Bash && version >4 2) Using emacs standard in your terminal 3) already source' d key-bindings.bash

I am saying this coz that command that I posted in my previous comment is just Alt-C command from fzf but with some if conditions removed which were not necessary for me.

rayiik commented 3 years ago

Ahh not using emacs and i modifed keybindings.bash and i suspect thats where the conflict lay for this by the way youd need moreman (python) basically if no man page exists it creates one (temp) from the --help flag pretty sure kt uses nvimpager as well some)

SciPhys commented 3 years ago

Closing this issue as the problems are resolved and also got extra useful keybindings.