jungwoo-ha / WeeklyArxivTalk

[Zoom & Facebook Live] Weekly AI Arxiv 시즌2
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[20210905] Weekly AI ArXiv 만담 #23

Closed jungwoo-ha closed 2 years ago

jungwoo-ha commented 3 years ago
hollobit commented 3 years ago

“AI옵스(AIOps)가 대세”…IDC, 2023년 기업 75%, AIOps 채택 전망

Facebook Apologizes After A.I. Puts ‘Primates’ Label on Video of Black Men

Only Humans, Not AI Machines, Get a U.S. Patent, Judge Says

The term AI overpromises. Let's make machine learning work better for humans instead

How open-source software shapes AI policy

AI Weekly: An outline for government regulation of AI

Sanas aims to convert one accent to another in real time for smoother customer service calls

Understanding, explaining, and utilizing medical artificial intelligence (Nature Human Behaviour)

AIMe – A standard for artificial intelligence in biomedicine

Maastricht University (UM)를 비롯한 여러 대학의 국제 연구에서 생물 의학 분야의 인공 지능(AI) 작업에 대한 표준화된 레지스트리를 제안

ghlee3401 commented 3 years ago




Kyung-Min commented 3 years ago