juollila / cpm68k-amiga

CP/M-68K Port for Amiga Computers
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CP/M (Control Program/Monitor) is an operating system for 8-bit and 16-bit processors. It was the most famous operating system for 8-bit Intel 8080, Intel 8085 and Zilog Z80 processors. CP/M-68K is a CP/M operating system for Motorola 68000 and 68010 processors. It was used on the Motorola EXORmacs developments system, SORD M68 and M68MX computers. CP/M-68K was very uncommon operating system when compared to 8-bit CP/M-80 variant. Software availability is limited for the CP/M-68K, but the operating system includes for example an assembler and a C language compiler.

SturmBIOS (also known as cpm68k-amiga) is an implementation of CP/M-68K BIOS for Commodore Amiga. It allows the usage of CP/M-68K on Amiga 500, 600, 1000 and 2000 computers.

Note: This project is still in "work in progress" state. There are bugs and a new version can be buggier than a little bit older version. Testing is done mainly with UAE so that development is quicker. But real HW is planned to be supported.


CP/M-68k documentation can be found from https://github.com/juollila/cpm68k-amiga/tree/main/cpm/doc

It is recommended that new users read User's Guide. If a user wants program then Programmer's Guide and C Programming Guide are recommended.

Bootable Disk Image

A bootable disk image: https://github.com/juollila/cpm68k-amiga/blob/main/amiga/adf/cpm-boot.adf

Memory Map

Start Address End Address Description
00000 003ff Exception vectors
00400 5ffff Transient program area
60000 65fff BDOS and CCP
66000 7ffff BIOS, disk buffer, screen buffer

Disk Format

Amiga CP/M disk uses Amiga MFM sector format at the lowest level so that Amiga ADF utilities can be used to read and write physical disks. Amiga CP/M disk uses CP/M file system instead of Amiga file system (OFS, FFS or SFS).

The structure of disk:

Start End Description
Track 0, sector 0 Track 0, sector 1 Boot loader
Track 0, sector 2 Track 7, sector 10 CCP, BDOS and BIOS
Track 8, sector 0 Track 8, sector 7 CP/M file system, directory area
Track 8, sector 8 Track 159, sector 10 CP/M file system, data area

Disk definition for Cpmtools:

diskdef amiga
  seclen 128
  tracks 160
  sectrk 44
  blocksize 2048
  maxdir 128
  boottrk 8
  os 2.2

Terminal Emulation

SturmBIOS support both ADM-3A and VT-52 terminal emulation.

ADM-3a control codes: Control code Description
^H or backspace Cursor left / backspace
^I or TAB Tabulator
^J Line feed i.e. cursor down + scrolling if needed
^K Cursor up / vertical tab
^L Cursor right / form feed
^M Carriage return
^Z Move cursor home and clear screen
ESC = row col Move cursor position, add $20 to row and col
VT-52 control codes: Control code Description
^H or backspace Cursor left / backspace
^I or TAB Tabulator
^J Line feed i.e. cursor down + scrolling if needed
^K Cursor up / vertical tab
^L Cursor right / form feed
^M Carriage return
^Z Move cursor home and clear screen
ESC A Cursor up without scrolling
ESC B Cursor down without scrolling
ESC C Cursor right
ESC D Cursor left / backspace
ESC H Move cursor home
ESC I Cursor up + scrolling if needed
ESC J Erase to end of screen
ESC K Erase to end of line
ESC Y col row Cursor position, add $20 to col and row


Amiga HW restrictions:

BIOS restrictions:

Boot Process

CP/M-68K's boot process is the following:

  1. Amiga Kickstart ROM loads the boot loader from the boot block.
  2. Boot loader loads BDOS, CCP and BIOS from the reserved tracks using the trackdisk device.
  3. Boot loader enables the supervisor mode.
  4. Boot loader jumps to BDOS initialization routine ($60000).
  5. BDOS initialization routine calls BIOS init routine ($66000).
  6. BIOS takes over Amiga's operating system i.e. disables interrupts and DMA.
  7. BIOS initializes screen, CIA timers, keyboard interrupt, floppy and trap number #3.
  8. BIOS returns to BDOS.
  9. BDOS and CCP performs the rest of initializations.



The following SW is required to compile Amiga BIOS for CP/M-68k and create a bootable disk image:

  1. Cpmtools, http://www.moria.de/~michael/cpmtools/
  2. Vassm68k_mot, http://sun.hasenbraten.de/vasm/
  3. A tool which can convert a Motorola S record file to a binary file. For example SDCC compiler suite's sdobjcopy utility.
  4. Python3

Creating blank CP/M disk image

The following procedure can be used to create a new blank CP/M disk image:

  1. Create a blank adf image "cpm-blank.adf" for exampale using UAE emulator.
  2. Add the following entry to diskdefs of cpmtools:
diskdef amiga
  seclen 128
  tracks 160
  sectrk 44
  blocksize 2048
  maxdir 128
  boottrk 8
  os 2.2
  1. Create a CP/M filesystem: mkfs.cpm -f amiga cpm-blank.adf

Note: This image is not bootable.


Use the following commands to create a bootable floppy disk image after you have installed all requirements and added Amiga disk format to diskdefs of cpmtools:

$ cd amiga/bios
$ make

Or you may follow the manual procedure which is described in the following sections.

See also Makefile for further details.

Convert CPM60000.SR file to binary file

CP/M binary distribution contains CCP and BDOS in Motorola S record format. It can be converted to binary format using for example SDCC compiler suite's sdobjcopy utility.

$ sdobjcopy --input-target srec --output-target binary cpm60000.SR cpm60000.bin

Compiling BIOS

Amiga BIOS for CP/M-68k can be compiled using the following command.

$ vasmm68k_mot bios.asm -Fbin -o bios.bin

Creating CPM.BIN

CP/M binary contains CCP, BDOS and BIOS. The starting address of CCP and BDOS (cpm60000.bin) is $60000 and starting address of BIOS is $66000. A padding must be added between cpm60000.bin and bios.bin. At first a padding file is created.

$ dd if=cpm60000.bin ibs=24k count=1 of=cpm60000-padded.bin conv=sync

The cpm.bin file is created concatenating cpm60000-padded.bin, padding.bin and bios.bin.

$ cat cpm60000-padded.bin padding.bin bios.bin > cpm.bin

Creating bootable disk image

At first boot track binary is created using the following command. The binary contains boot loader, CCP, BDOS and BIOS.

$ vasmm68k_mot boot_loader.asm -Fbin -o boot.bin

Calculate and write Amiga boot block's checksum.

$ python3 checksum.py --output boot-with-checksum.bin boot.bin

Bootable disk image is created copying boot track binary to a blank CP/M disk image:

$ cp cpm-blank.adf cpm-boot.adf
$ mkfs.cpm -f amiga -b boot-with-checksum.bin cpm-boot.adf

Copy files to cpm-boot.adf

CP/M programs can be copied to cpm-boot.adf using Cpmtools.

For example:

$ cpmcp -f amiga cpm-boot.adf program 0:


CP/M-68K System Guide: https://github.com/juollila/cpm68k-amiga/blob/main/cpm/doc/CPM-68K_System_Guide_Jan83.pdf

Amiga Hardware Manual: http://amigadev.elowar.com/read/ADCD_2.1/Hardware_Manual_guide/node0000.html

SturmBIOS floppy drive routines were inspired by AROS and EmuTOS floppy drive implementations:

EmuTOS - Amiga specific funtions: https://github.com/emutos/emutos/blob/master/bios/amiga.c

AROS - Amiga HW floppy stuff: https://github.com/aros-development-team/AROS/blob/master/arch/m68k-amiga/devs/trackdisk/trackdisk_hw.c