Open eilamg opened 7 years ago
Do you have any browser extensions or Jupyter extensions installed? I can't reproduce this in Chromium or Firefox (testing on Fedora).
No Jupyter extensions or Chrome extensions.
Is there anything that might be relevant in the browser's JS console when it jumps back into edit mode?
Nothing shows up in the console on successful copies or when the issue occurs.
To further complicate things, I did the following:
in the cellWhich resulted in this interesting combination:
Which browser were you trying that in? We don't really try to support IE/Edge, but we definitely support Chrome.
Chrome on Ubuntu (my main workstation). IE and Edge tests were to try and see if this is a Chrome-specific issue.
And what version of notebook do you have? If you haven't already, can you try installing 5.1rc1:
pip install --upgrade --pre notebook
I'm running 5.0.0. Just tested with 5.1.0rc1 and managed to reproduce the issue.
Ah rats, I was hoping it would magically go away. ;-)
I'm running out of ideas for what the difference might be. Is there anything peculiar about your keyboard?
Some standard QWERTY Logitech wireless keyboard. Just in case, I also tested on the laptop's keyboard with the same results.
There's an RTL language installed, but system locale language is set to en_US.UTF-8.
localectl output below
System Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8
VC Keymap: n/a
X11 Layout: us,il
X11 Model: pc105
X11 Variant: ,
X11 Options: grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll
Another theory bites the dust. I'm out of ideas for now. If you want to dig into the code, the parts that handle the clipboard events are here:
And information on building the JS from source is here:
I've noticed weird behavior when trying to Ctrl+C to copy a cell across notebooks. The feature works fine if I've never entered edit mode since re/starting the kernel. But if I enter edit mode even once, hitting Ctrl+C in command mode will instead return me to edit mode in the last edited cell, regardless of current highlighted cell.
Observed in Chrome 60.0.3112.90 (64-bit) on Windows 10 Home and Chrome 60.0.3112.101 (64-bit) on Ubuntu 16.04.