justinstenning / Direct3DHook

DirectX Capture and Overlays by using Direct3D API hooks
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How can i pass/connect variables between the Capture project and the TestScreenshot project ? #23

Closed Csharper1972 closed 8 years ago

Csharper1972 commented 9 years ago

For example i create a public variable type bool in the TestScreenshot project and now i want to use this variable in the Capture project so when i set for example in the TestScreenshot if i click on a button and change the bool variable to false when i use it in the Capture project it will be false and if i click on another button then it will be true also in the Capture project.

justinstenning commented 9 years ago

You could setup a MarshalByRef class (kind of like the Screenshot class), or you could use an event handler (see the Capture interface and how it handles events).

Csharper1972 commented 9 years ago

Thank you i will look into it.