jwalton512 / vim-blade

Vim syntax highlighting for Blade templates.
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Add syntax from the laravel plugin #72

Closed kertahayu closed 4 years ago

kertahayu commented 4 years ago

Example add : @role @androle syntax from https://github.com/spatie/laravel-permission. @permission @endpermission @ability @endability syntax from https://github.com/santigarcor/laratrust.

jwalton512 commented 4 years ago

@dele-corporate, thank you for the feedback. The goal of this plugin is to care for the syntax as officially offered by Laravel.

There is functionality to add your own custom directives within your own .vimrc

For example:

let g:blade_custom_directives = ['role', 'androle']
let g:blade_custom_directives_pairs = {
      \   'permission': 'endpermission',
      \   'ability': 'endability',
      \ }