jyotisham / jyotisha

Python tools for the astronomical / astrological vedAnga of Hindus
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Tropical month numbering and Rtus #159

Open karthikraman opened 7 hours ago

karthikraman commented 7 hours ago

Why is a +1 being introduced here? I seem to be missing something.

I thought the month numbers were wrong in adyatithi/time_focus/Rtu and "corrected" them - Month 1/7 is Vishuva? Month 4 is Dakshinayana? Month 10 is Uttarayana? Rather than 2/5/8/10?


Originally posted by @karthikraman in 6eeec08

Another interesting link is http://individual.utoronto.ca/kalendis/seasons.htm#chinese

I have currently fixed some of the other Rtu festivals to comply with 6eeec085f56947db5de32d8bfea51957c4dde789

But perhaps this should be an option in the computation system?

vvasuki commented 7 hours ago

Copying and continuing conversation from https://github.com/jyotisham/jyotisha/commit/6eeec085f56947db5de32d8bfea51957c4dde789#r147350580

@karthikraman karthikraman 2 hours ago Member Why is a +1 being introduced here? I seem to be missing something.

I thought the month numbers were wrong in adyatithi/time_focus/Rtu and "corrected" them - Month 1/7 is Vishuva? Month 4 is Dakshinayana? Month 10 is Uttarayana? Rather than 2/5/8/10?


vvasuki commented 2 hours ago @vvasuki vvasuki 2 hours ago Member Author विषूवद्दिनं द्वितीयार्तवमासस्य प्रथमदिने भवति - भवान् अन्यथा मन्यते?

karthikraman commented 2 hours ago @karthikraman karthikraman 2 hours ago Member Are there two sampradayas? Like North/South? मधुः - १, माधवः - २?

vvasuki commented 2 hours ago @vvasuki vvasuki 2 hours ago Member Author No such thing. Seasons are same for everyone. The month before and after equinox are spring/ autumn.

It is a common mistake to think that spring begins with equinox (I made it - before correcting it here; and I noticed that Prof RNI did the same in some linkedin post.)

karthikraman commented 1 hour ago @karthikraman karthikraman 1 hour ago Member Ok, I guess there are two pakshas, with start of मधु or end of मधु marking वसन्तारम्भः...

karthikraman commented 1 hour ago @karthikraman karthikraman 1 hour ago Member (just seeing your reply)..

karthikraman commented 1 hour ago @karthikraman karthikraman 1 hour ago Member interesting point... let me also dig in..

karthikraman commented 1 hour ago @karthikraman karthikraman 1 hour ago Member OK, so what is the month at tropical month at longitude = 0? That's when month 1 starts? The Rtu's can be mapped as (12, 1) → वसन्तः, (2,3) → ग्रीष्मः, (10,11) → शिशिरः?

vvasuki commented 1 minute ago @vvasuki vvasuki 1 minute ago Member Author Continuing in https://github.com/jyotisham/jyotisha/issues/159

vvasuki commented 7 hours ago

वसन्ते वत्सरारम्भः। यद्य् आर्तव-वसन्तारम्भो विषूवद्दिनात् पूर्वम्, आर्तव-वत्सरारम्भोऽपि तथा।

अत्र भारतीयेषु विवादो न वर्तते खलु?

Seasons closely correspond to average insolation (and thence temperature).