jyr / MNPP

Mac + Nginx + Percona + PHP a high performance web server in a one-click installer
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Does the 0.2.0 version support Snow Leopard? #20

Closed thamas closed 12 years ago

thamas commented 12 years ago

I installed MNPP 0.2.0, but was not able to start it on Snow Leopard. Does SL supported? If not, where can I find a right (earlier) version to try?

jyr commented 12 years ago

the version 0.2.0 is supported, check the error in /Applications/Utilities/Console or runs MNPP from terminal, tries with

sudo /Applications/MNPP/init/mnpp --php53 --start

and paste the error

ghost commented 12 years ago

MNPP work only folder /Applications/MNPP/

static path configurated

jyr commented 12 years ago

Or add to your .bash_profile

export PATH=/Applications/MNPP/init:/Applications/MNPP/Library/php53/bin:$PATH

next run from terminal:

source .bash_profile

ghost commented 12 years ago

$ cat /Applications/MNPP/MNPP.app/Contents/Resources/main.py | grep sys.path sys.path.append("/Applications/MNPP/Library")

thamas commented 12 years ago

Now I tried to use the latest 0.2.5 version (environment set as it is written in the ReadMe)

That what I found in the Console:

2012.01.05. 12:59:47 [0x0-0x1cd1cd].com.yourcompany.MNPP[5055] dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python 2012.01.05. 12:59:47 [0x0-0x1cd1cd].com.yourcompany.MNPP[5055] Referenced from: /Applications/MNPP/MNPP.app/Contents/MacOS/MNPP 2012.01.05. 12:59:47 [0x0-0x1cd1cd].com.yourcompany.MNPP[5055] Reason: image not found 2012.01.05. 12:59:47 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501223 Job appears to have crashed: Trace/BPT trap 2012.01.05. 12:59:47 ReportCrash[5057] Saved crash report for MNPP[5055] version ??? (???) to /Users/thamas/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/MNPP_2012-01-05-125947_ts-mac.crash

And here is what I can read in the log.

Process: MNPP [5055] Path: /Applications/MNPP/MNPP.app/Contents/MacOS/MNPP Identifier: com.yourcompany.MNPP Version: ??? (???) Code Type: X86-64 (Native) Parent Process: launchd [223]

Date/Time: 2012-01-05 12:59:47.698 +0100 OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549) Report Version: 6

Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000 Crashed Thread: 0

Dyld Error Message: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python Referenced from: /Applications/MNPP/MNPP.app/Contents/MacOS/MNPP Reason: image not found

Binary Images: 0x7fff5fc00000 - 0x7fff5fc3bdef dyld 132.1 (???) /usr/lib/dyld

jyr commented 12 years ago

Can be that dylids are for lion.

your run from terminal

sudo mnpp --php53 --start

and look that dylids not loaded

ghost commented 12 years ago

need static create, dynamic bad for other system

thamas commented 12 years ago

thamas@ts-mac~/Sites $ sudo mnpp --php53 --start Password: -n Starting php-fpm dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libedit.3.dylib Referenced from: /Applications/MNPP/Library/php53/sbin/php-fpm Reason: image not found /Applications/MNPP/init/php.sh: line 102: 5597 Trace/BPT trap $php_fpm_BIN $php_opts failed 120105 18:12:53 mysqld_safe Logging to '/Applications/MNPP/logs/mysql_error_log.err'. 120105 18:12:53 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /Applications/MNPP/Library/mysql/var /Applications/MNPP/Library/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe: line 137: 5728 Trace/BPT trap nohup /Applications/MNPP/Library/mysql/libexec/mysqld --defaults-file=/Applications/MNPP/Library/mysql/my.cnf --basedir=/Applications/MNPP/Library/mysql --datadir=/Applications/MNPP/Library/mysql/var --user=_mysql -u root --lower_case_table_names=0 --tmpdir=/Applications/MNPP/tmp/mysql --log-error=/Applications/MNPP/logs/mysql_error_log.err --pid-file=/Applications/MNPP/tmp/mysql/mysql.pid --socket=/Applications/MNPP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock --port=3306 < /dev/null >> /Applications/MNPP/logs/mysql_error_log.err 2>&1 120105 18:12:53 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /Applications/MNPP/tmp/mysql/mysql.pid ended thamas@ts-mac~/Sites $

ghost commented 12 years ago


ldd /Applications/MNPP/Library/php53/sbin/php-fpm

thamas commented 12 years ago


bash: ldd: command not found

Is there a typo?

ghost commented 12 years ago

otool -L /Applications/MNPP/Library/php53/sbin/php-fpm

jyr commented 12 years ago


check you have in .bash_profile:

alias drush='/Applications/MNPP/Library/php53/bin/php /Applications/MNPP/Library/drush/drush.php' export PATH=/Applications/MNPP/init:/Applications/MNPP/Library/php53/bin:/Applications/MNPP/Library/mysql/bin:$PATH alias mysql='/Applications/MNPP/Library/mysql/bin/mysql --socket=/Applications/MNPP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock' export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Applications/MNPP/init:/Applications/MNPP/Library/lib:/Applications/MNPP/init:/Applications/MNPP/Library/lib:

specifically last line

ghost commented 12 years ago

maybe no need .bash_profile ???

generate $ setenv PATH = /Applications/MNPP/init:/Applications/MNPP/Library/php53/bin:/Applications/MNPP/Library/mysql/bin:$PATH

startup :)

jyr commented 12 years ago


not necessarily, but if not have setenv not works

ghost commented 12 years ago


$ export, $ set, $ setenv and check $ env

thamas commented 12 years ago

jyr: my .bash_profile content is ok

PandoraBox.: I do not understand your comments...

One more thing. There is a 'alias drush' in MNPP settings. Is this drush the Drupal command line tool? Cause I have the Drupal tool drush installed with an other alias and I think this new alias may lead to problems.

jyr commented 12 years ago


I don´t have snow leopard installed, but will find the way for to install and test. About drush, you can comment the alias line at .bash_profile

thamas commented 12 years ago

jyr thanks for your support!

thamas commented 12 years ago

By the way: the new drush alias does not enable my Drupal cl tool drush to work. So if the drush in MNPP is your development, I suppose you to use an other name, 'cause this conflict may the Drupal developers keep from using MNPP

thamas commented 12 years ago

(I've closed the issue by a mistake so I ropened it)

jyr commented 12 years ago

The drush in MNPP have the command for management quickly of MNPP, like you have drush and want use mnpp command copy mnpp.drush.inc your drush path and comment or delete alias line of .bash_profile should works.