k-takata / mp3infp

mp3infp Unicode build
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Internationalization #10

Open blackcrack opened 6 years ago

blackcrack commented 6 years ago

hey, nice addon !! have fount over www.efb.nu as news anouced, now my question, could you make language files where you could bind in ? i am an german, so could i am make the german translation.

by the way, it works in Win7 very well, thank you :)

best regards Blacky

k-takata commented 6 years ago

Technically, it is possible.

Currently, we have three *.rc files in the source code repository.

The first two files are the English resources and the last one is the merged and translated into Japanese. So if you create a folder src/lang_german/ like src/lang_japanese/, you should be able to use German translation.

The installer can be also translated. See the src/Installer/ folder. Long time ago, Chinese translations were available. You can see the traces as comments in mp3infp.nsi.

blackcrack commented 6 years ago

it should be possible to create maybe a src/lang/ or src/lg/ where is in the file name the translation for later more easy bundling like : src/lang/jp_jp.lng/.rc src/lang/de_de.lng/.rc src/lang/de_au.lng/.rc src/lang/en_UK.lng/.rc src/lang/en_US.lng /.rc and so on .. like this : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_localisation http://www.lingoes.net/en/translator/langcode.htm https://www.andiamo.co.uk/resources/iso-language-codes https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPInternational/LanguageandLocaleIDs/LanguageandLocaleIDs.html https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Table_of_locales https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/master/core/translation.cpp maybe direct looking on the UDF-8 file-format as text building .. for manual translation possibility in the community to have a standard (because it exist as iso/norm) in files to give the possible for translation if they speak 2 or more languages.. or looking on https://docs.transifex.com/api/introduction around the world's need the most peoples English or french for translation on the west hemisphere , i don't know what's in east hemisphere it is ..

best regards Blacky

k-takata commented 6 years ago

mp3infp is very old software and I don't have a plan to change the structure for now.

blackcrack commented 6 years ago

well, i can only say, check the code and search the variable where it is set up the language files, and there can you start to setting up :) if this have done, do i think other peoples where have also the language too (like in german), i guess, then other start maintaining and update a bit .. because it is also in they're language and become a bit prominent because, some peoples is really need to have a possible for update the media files with information's ..